Chapter 26 Electric Potential 第二十六章 電位
Just before lightning
Electric potential energy
Electric potential energy where W is the work done by the static electric field. For convenience we often define Where is the work done by the field to move the charge particle from infinity to its current position and .
Electric potential In general we have
Work done by an applied force If ΔK = 0, then
Equipotential surfaces Surfaces in space on which V is constant.
Equipotential surfaces If ΔV is chosen to be the same for all adjacent equipotential surfaces, then the electric filed is inversely proportional to the separations of the equipotential surfaces.
Calculating the potential from the field or Vi can be assigned to any convenient value such as 0.
Potential due to a point charge If
Potential due to a point charge
Potential due to an electric dipole If the point of interest P is far away from the dipole, then
Potential due to an electric dipole
Induced dipole moment
Potential due to a group of point charges Example
Potential due to continuous charge distribution
Line of charge
Charged disk
Calculating the field from the potential
Electric potential energy of a system of point charges
Potential of a charged isolated conductor
Surface charge density of a conductor
Electric fields near a conductor The field strength is strongest at the point on a conductor where its local curvature of radius is the smallest.
Image charge
Home work Question (問題): 8, 15, 21 Exercise (練習題): 5, 12, 19 Problem (習題): 12, 28, 29, 37