The World of RFID Standards Fraser Jennings, Vice President, Regulatory and Standards Savi Technology, Inc.
The World of RFID Standards is Complex RFID Standards Organizations ISO Standards EPC Global
Standards Organizations International International Organization for Standardization (ISO) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) International Telecommunications Union (ITU) (United Nations) Universal Postal Union (UPU) (United Nations) ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) TC 122 Packaging SC 31 Automatic Data Capture TC 104 Freight Containers SC 17 IC Cards ITU-T (fka CCITT) Telecommunications WG 1 - Symbology TC 122/104 JWG SC Apps RFID WG 2 - Data Content ITU-R (fka CCIR & IFBR) Radio-frequency Issues WG 3 - Conformance SC 6 Telcom & info exch btwn systems WG 4 - RFID TC 8 Ships & Marine Tech ITU-D (fka BDT) Telecommunications Development WG 5 - RTLS Regional Comité Européen Normalisation (CEN) Comité Européen Normalisation Electrotechnique (CENELEC) Comité Européen Postal & Telegraph (CEPT) ODETTE ECMA National Standards Assoc of China (SAC) British Standards Institution (BSI) Deutches Institut fur Normung (DIN) AFNOR ANSI JISC MHI AIM GS 1 CEA IEEE INCITS Other T6 B10 Industry DoD ATA CEA AIA HIBCC AIAG GS 1 Other VDA EPCglobal
Types of Standards Technology Data Content Conformance Network Symbology, RFID, I.C. Card, Sensors, RTLS, GPS Data Content Semantics (DIs or AIs), Syntax Conformance Print Quality, Test Specifications, Conformance to Air Interface Network Object-to-object communications Application Standards Freight container, RTI, Ship Label, Product Package, Product Mark/Tag, eSeal Most industrial and commercial manufacturers have catalog or part numbers already assigned to their products. They often question the need for an additional number, thinking that their distributors and/or end customers should use their supplier assigned catalog or part numbers. Following are some of the reasons why UPC numbers are needed: UCC.QED.I.10
Overview of ISO Standards JTC 1 Information Technology TC 122 Packing TC 104 Freight Container SC 31 AIDC Techniques SC 4 Identification & Comm. WG 1 Data Carrier WG 2 Data Structure WG 3 Conform- ance WG 4 RFID for Item MGT WG 5 RTLS WG 7 Supply Chain App of RFID WG 2 AEI for Containers SG 1 RFID Conformance 18046-1 18046-2 18046-3 18047-7 SG 1 Transfer Syntax 15961-14 15962 15963 24753 24791-16 SG 3 Air Interface 18000-1 18000-2 18000-3 18000-4 18000-6 18000-7 24730-1 24730-2 24730-3 24730-4 24730-5 17358 17363 17364 17365 17366 17367 E-Seal 18185-1 18185-2 18185-3 18185-4 18185-5 18185-6 18185-7
ISO Standard Development Process Publish Standard Approval Approve FDIS Voting: 2 months Produce & Accept CD Voting: 3-6 months Enquiry Committee Draft Accept NP Voting: 3 months Accept FCD Voting: 4-6 months Proposal Preparatory Prepare WD Voting: 6-12 months
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 (Automatic Identification & Data Capture Techniques)
AIDC Focused ISO Standards International Organization for Standardization (ISO) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee (TC) 122 (Packaging) ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) - IT WG 4 (Transport Labels) WG 7 (Package Labels) ISO/IEC JTC 1 Subcommittee 31 Secretariat GS1 US National Body (NB) Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) WG 1 Data Carrier WG 2 Data Structure WG 3 Conformance WG 4 RF Tags WG 5 RTLS U.S. TAG Administrator MHI Convener S. Ackley (US) Convener T. Yoshioka (JP) Convener T. Barkan (US) Convener H. Barthel Convener M. Harmon Shipping Labels Code 39 DAI Linear Print Quality Air Interface API ITF Data Syntax 2D Print Quality Unique RF Tag ID 2450 MHz Product Package Marking MaxiCode Unique ID Printing Specs Defs. Logical Mem Map Data Matrix Test Specs BC Printers Application Interface EAN/U.P.C. Test Specs BC Readers Encoding Rules Dimensions & Layout Code 128 Test Specs BC Verifiers PDF417 RFID Performance Symbology Use (Linear & 2D) QR Code RFID Conformance Symbology Identifiers RFID Quality Print Quality Level Label Materials License Plate Recommendations Database / EDI Issues Supply Chain Applications of RFID (122/104 JWG) Technical Committee (TC) 104 (Freight Containers)
Working Group (WG) 4 RFID for Item Management ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Automatic Identification and Data Capture Techniques Working Group (WG) 4 RFID for Item Management
Technical Standards Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31/WG 4/SG 3 RFID for Item Management Air Interface (ISO 18000) ISO/IEC 18000-1 - Generic parameters - Air interface ISO/IEC 18000-2 - Parameters for air interface below 135 kHz ISO/IEC 18000-3 - Parameters for air interface at 13.56 MHz includes Mode 1 (15693) and Mode 2 (PJM) draft includes Mode 3 (13,56 physical - Gen 2 logical) ISO/IEC 18000-4 - Parameters for air interface at 2.45 GHz ISO/IEC 18000-6 - Parameters for air interface at 860-960 MHz includes Type A and Type B (INCITS 256) includes Type C (EPCglobal Gen2) draft includes battery-assist (PowerPaper and Intelleflex) new proposed revision for TOTAL ISO/IEC 18000-7 - Parameters for active air interface at 433.92 MHz NP 18000-8 - Parameters for long range/high performance active air interface at 860-960 MHz
ISO TC 122/104 Joint Working Group (JWG) (Supply chain applications of RFID)
ISO 18185 - Sealing and anti-tamper capability Bolt Seal Security Tag Electronically secures ocean containers, air cargo ULD containers, trailers, Monitors presence and integrity of bolt seal, generates alarm upon bolt removal or breakage Re-usable tag Reduces manual inspections Minimizes theft, loss and tampering
ISO TC 122/104 Joint Working Group (JWG) (Supply chain applications of RFID)
ISO TC 122/104 JWG project status ISO 17363, Supply chain applications of RFID - Freight containers ISO 17364, Supply chain applications of RFID - Returnable transport items ISO 17365, Supply chain applications of RFID - Transport units ISO 17366.2, Supply chain applications of RFID - Product packaging ISO 17367.2, Supply chain applications of RFID - Product tagging
24753 - Sensors and battery assist New SC 31 Work of Interest 24753 - Sensors and battery assist 24791 - Software systems infrastructure 18000, 3m3 - 13.56 MHz with Gen2 Logical Layer New proposed work area on Mobile RFID Mobile item management Ubiquitous sensor networks (USN)
EPCglobal Industry Specifications 94 Groups 63 Groups requiring participation
Overview of EPCglobal Standards Joint Strategy & Planning Business Steering Committee Joint Req. Group Technical Steering Committee FMCG HLS TLS RSC -Active Tagging -Data Exchange -Item Level Tagging-P2 -SB Assist Passive Tag Supply Chain Integrity -Tag Data -Drug Pedigree Messaging HAG SAG CE A&D Pkg HF Air Interface -UHF Air Interface 1&2 -Tag, Label, Reader & Printer Performance UHF Gen2 Interoperability -UHF Gen2 Testing & Certification EPCIS Phase 2 -Filtering & Collection 1.1 -Reader Management Reader Operation -Tag Data Translation -Drug Pedigree Messaging -Data Exchange -Pilot & Implem. -Reusable Transport Item -Serial -ization -Adoption -Medical Device -Track & Trace -4 Wall - Import / Export -Transport- ation -Global Pilot -Media & Entertain- ment -AFF Store Level Op & Process -AFF Supply Chain & Process AFF Tagging Req Info &
EPCglobal Standard Development Process Collect Biz & Tech. Requests Form JRG Tech. Def With End Users Develop Req. In JRG BSC & TSC Approve JRG Req. Time Deliverable On going 4 Weeks 5 Weeks 10 Weeks 1 Week Accepted Request Create JRG Charter JRG Charter Appoint JRG Chairs Complete Op-in Q&A & Education Material Educate Users on Technology Req. for IAG LCWD of Distribute to other IAGs Standard Req. Assign to existing or new TAG WG Submission Track Process (22 weeks) Standard Track Standard Track Process (54 weeks) Form WG Standard Development AG Review & Approve Prototype Test & Spec BSC & TSC Review Board Ratification IPs Charter LCWD Spec. Candidate Spec. Review on IP for Candidate Spec. Proposed Conformance Req. Recommended Ratified Standard Submit to other Standard. Deliverable Time Submission Track 4 Weeks 16 Weeks 6 Weeks 12 Weeks 30 days
EPCglobal Software Action Group and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31/WG 4/SG 1 Work Items (SAG) Security 2 WG Reader Protocol WG Reader Operations WG Reader Management WG Filtering and Collection WG Tag Data & Translation Standard WG EPCIS Phase 2 WG ONS WG Drug Pedigree Messaging WG ISO/IEC 24791 Part 6 Security ISO/IEC 24791 Part 5 Device Interface ISO/IEC 24791 Part 3 Device Mgmnt ISO/IEC 24791 Part 2 Data Mgmnt ISO/IEC15962+ ISO/IEC 24791 Part 4 Applica- tion Interface ITU-T NRFID
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