Reformation Part II Moving North
Henry VIII Devout Catholic Critical of Luther Very badly wanted a male child
Catherine of Aragon Catherine of Aragon was the youngest surviving child of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain Catherine Failed to give Henry a boy at which time Henry decided to drop her for Anne Boleyn, a women believed to have twelve fingers. A quote from the Venetian Ambassador said of Anne she was 'not one of the handsomest women in the world...'.
Pope Leo X Catherine appeals directly to the Pope not to allow the annulment. The Pope refused Henry VIII
Henry Breaks with Church to Marry Anne Henry VIII gets Parliament to pass Act of Supremacy English Monarch, not the Pope, the head of the Church of England
The Following Three Leaders Actions Take England Further from the Catholic Church Edward Strengthened Protestantism and moved closer to Luther (reign ) Mary I the Daughter of Catherine and Henry tried to bring back Catholicism. In the process killed many Protestants; bad way to make friends (reign ).
Queen Elizabeth I One of the Great Leaders of her Time Under Elizabeth the pendulum of English religion swung again. Elizabeth I ( ) was raised as a Protestant, but she was a shrewd politician; she was a master of playing one side against the other. Under Elizabeth the Church of England was officially established (1563) with Protestant dogma, but a liturgy, rites, and church organization which was mostly Catholic.
John Calvin Calvin was From France, but fled when Protestants were being prosecuted In Switzerland he met Guillaume Farel who convince him to stay and preach reformation Calvin helped convince Geneva Assembly to formally adopt Protestantism
Calvin Establishes a Theocracy God Rules Theocracy means “God Rules ユ but has come to mean a government run by religious leaders of a particular religion or religious view.”
Calvin Best Known for the Idea Predestination Predestination means that God has determined before the beginning of the universe all things which will ever take place. This is also called the sovereignty of God. Calvinism emphasized that because salvation was predestined it was purely by grace (unearned). You know, predestination would sure speed things up on judgment day
James Arminius Arminians followed Arminius Protestant, but unlike Calvin they did not believe in predestination
Synod of Dort Five Points of Calvinism Calvinism Total Depravity Nothing in man can please God Unconditional Election God’s choice made before the world began. God’s election was not based on what man would do. Limited Atonement Christ only died for those that God “elected.” Irresistible Grace “God’s call to the elect cannot be resisted.” Perseverance of the Saints those God has elected will remained saved Arminianism Free Will Man can choose to be saved Conditional Election God chooses who will be saved based on what man does Unlimited Atonement Christ died for all Resistible Grace God’s call can be resisted Falling from Grace A person that has been saved can lose that salvation
John Knox Know knew Calvin and followed his teachings Takes Protestantism back to Scotland Creates Presbyterian Church Fights Mary Queen of Scotts (a Catholic) creating a Protestant State.