© M S GIS & Karttjänst, 2000 What is GIS? Why GIS? How To Use GIS in City and Regional Government Administrations? GIS Basics 1
What is GIS (1)? Spatial information (geographiclly related features) – geographical reference (x,y,z; address etc.) Software - Hardware - Data – End users – Work flow – Work organisation Capture - Explore - Combine - Process - Analyse - Distribute - Present - Simulate - Visualise Create new information Maps - Tables - Drawings – Text documents - Images – Video sequenses
What is GIS (2)? GIS Attitudes User skills Organisation Technology Doctrine/Strategy EthicsWork flow Information
What is GIS (3)? Doctrine Organisation Information Applications Functionality The user Data Hardware Training Software Ethics
What is GIS (4)? Manage geographic information (information about geographically related features) with computer assistance Link data about a feature to a geographic location Make the information known, searchable, accessible and provided with a quality declaration Make the information management more effecient Utilise new devices in a new work flow Improve for the citizens to put influence on the democratic process
Why GIS (1)? More efficient work processes Decision materials with better quality Integration between departments/business activities Quicker and easier access to information Truly shared information within the entire organisation Information exchange with other authorities/departments Easier information updating and better information management
Why GIS (2)? Select the task-specific information – focus on the essentials Easily add new types of data due to new demands for proper staff work New options for public influence on the societal planning process Improve the democratic process through better information dissemination and better transparency within the organisations
Some Activities Suitable for GIS Support (Sample) Environmental hazard analysis operations Marketing the city Risk protection planning Health care planning Utilitites planning and management Elderly welfare School planning Transports Traffic planning Traffic accident protection Police Wild fire fighting Map production Urban planning Data exchange
How to Use GIS (1)? Daily work within the departments – improve the work processes Analysis operations covering future needs Alternatives reviews prior to infrastructure expansion Analysis operations covering ’What happens if…’ Document production prior to remittances, public view, decisions in the local government etc. Information exchange Keep records on information, facilitate information searching etc
How to Use GIS (2)? Visualise text and tables to maps and images Transfer 2D material to 3D visualisation for presentation purposes and better understanding Collect all information about a feature and make it accessible by utilising the geographic location as link
GIS and Decision Quality Information selection – focusing the essential Activity focused – define the need for data Merging data from many sources information - all aspects can be considered Understandable consequences descriptions – alternatives can be subject to simulations New needs for information new data Review of the entire information flow and information management - contents, structure, completeness, consistency, quality
Students entitled to school bus transportation Fagerås school
Three school bus routes
Searchable information
Urban Detailed Plan, Kronoparken Digital Area Boundaries for the Urban Plan Urban base map
Links to Register and Urban Detalied Plan Scanned detailed plan Information linked to each plan document