THE SMITH INSTITUTE for industrial mathematics and system engineering Robert Leese Director
Smith Institute overview We use mathematical modelling and analysis to accelerate business innovation. We bring fresh ideas to (difficult) problems in design, operations and strategy across a full range of business sectors. We exploit opportunities to transfer ideas that have established application in other domains.
The unparalleled versatility of mathematics
How we work Our Technology Translators provide a flexible point of contact, where we match business requirements with mathematical know-how and turn results into exploitable actions. The Institute combines its in-house expertise with the cutting-edge ideas and experience of the UK’s leading university research groups. We manage the Knowledge Transfer Network for Industrial Mathematics, which is a key component of the government’s Technology Strategy. We use individual problems and projects as seeds to build the network of relationships that will underpin innovation in the longer term.
Contacts Here this evening: David Allwright, Vera Hazelwood, Robert Leese, Heather Tewkesbury Electronically Post Surrey Technology Centre, Guildford GU2 7YG