ARS PICTA PRESENTATION OUTLINE Creation of a database of the Catalan Romanesque Wall Painting Technical issues The state of the art
ARS PICTA Creation of a Database Our first intention was to create a database of the Catalan Romanesque Wall Painting devoted only to iconographic issues. Recently, the Ars Picta group decided that a better alternative would be to create a database which includes and documents all aspects of the wall paintings under study. It has also been decided to create an Internet application.
ARS PICTA Technical issues We are developing a web site using ASP.NET 2.0 technology. The front-end of the database is integrated in this website, allowing universal access to some areas of the web. The back-end of the database uses SQL Server 2005 Express. The SQL engine supports 1 CPU, 1 GB RAM, and a 4 GB database size.
ARS PICTA The State of the Art A temporary link to the database is: The following slides show the structure of the beta version of the site: Website description Entering new data Viewing the data
ARS PICTA The structure of the web pages: A header with the name of the group, the links to the main web pages, a site map and the status of the authenticated visitor (login/logout). This header is the same in all the pages. A left area A main area Website description
ARS PICTA Because of the different locations of the Ars Picta members, the best interface to enter data is through an Internet application. A login form is provided for user authentication. Entering new data – The restricted area
ARS PICTA The authorised user can access other pages that are invisible to website visitors. Entering new data – The restricted area
ARS PICTA This is the starting point to introduce new data, or to modify or delete the stored data. In the left side area, a form is made available to enter some basic information. The main browsable area includes the buttons to edit and delete data. Entering new data
ARS PICTA Moreover, from the main area the user can access the pages to enter more information and photos of the wall painting. Entering new data
ARS PICTA In the current version, two additional forms have been implemented: In the first one, it is possible to enter the different parts of a monument (if necessary). The other form was designed to upload the photographs. Entering new data
ARS PICTA This unrestricted page is the basic interface between the visitor and the database. There are two main areas: A search area: The visitor can perform searches based on structured or freetext queries. A browse/results area. Viewing the data – The document centre
ARS PICTA The browse/results area shows the name of the monument with a link to the available photographs. A collapsable treeview gives access to the different sections of information about the monument. Viewing the data – The document centre
ARS PICTA The section named Topography is the one that is currently available. The paintings of Santa Maria de Taüll have been chosen as an example. Viewing the data – The document centre
ARS PICTA Thumbnail images of the diagrams (yellow). The chosen diagram is presented in a clickable area. Each number or letter represents an iconographic unit (red). The selected iconographic unit is presented in the image area (green). Viewing the data – The document centre