Chuck Humphrey, Anna Bombak, Lindsay Johnston, Leah Vanderjagt University of Alberta The Winter Institute on Statistical Literacy for Librarians.


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Presentation transcript:

Chuck Humphrey, Anna Bombak, Lindsay Johnston, Leah Vanderjagt University of Alberta The Winter Institute on Statistical Literacy for Librarians

Outline Introductions Statistics and data: what are we talking about? Definitions, standards, and metadata Official statistics Sources, finding tools, and search strategies Census geography and small area statistics Non-official statistics

Chuck Humphrey, Anna Bombak, Lindsay Johnston, Leah Vanderjagt University of Alberta Official Statistics Anna Bombak WISLL II, February 21, 2008

Official vs. non-official statistics Official statistics are those produced by government bodies (such as Statistics Canada) and some international or inter- governmental agencies (such as the U.N.). Non-official statistics are produced by other bodies, including trade associations, professional organizations, banks, consultants, marketing companies, academic institutions, and so on.

Official statistics -- official definition Section 2 of the Statistics Act 1975 defines official statistics as "statistics derived by Government Departments from: 1. Statistical surveys as defined in this section; and 2. Administrative and registration records and other forms and papers the statistical analyses of which are published regularly, or are planned to be published regularly, or could reasonably be published regularly". 'Statistical survey' means "a survey of undertakings, or of the public of New Zealand, whereby information is collected from all persons in a field of inquiry or from a sample thereof, by a Government Department pursuant to the authority of this Act or any other Act, or without specific provision in any Act, wholly or primarily for the purpose of processing and summarising by appropriate statistical procedures and publishing the results of the survey in some statistical form". -- Statistics New Zealand

Official statistics -- objectives “Official statistics are statistics produced by government agencies to: shed light on economic and social conditions develop, implement and monitor policies inform decision making, debate and discussion both within government and the wider community Government and its administrative arms need official statistics for policy development, implementation and evaluation. The public at large have similar information needs in order to evaluate government policy, to ensure public accountability, and to be adequately informed about social and economic conditions.” -- Statistics New Zealand

Official statistics -- context “Official statistics” can mean different things to different people. There are three broad ways of defining it: First, it may be defined in terms of people providing the service (e.g., the Government Statistical Service). Second, it may be defined in terms of activities (e.g., collecting data, publishing statistics, providing statistical advice to support policy work). Third, it may be defined in terms of outputs, or products of statistical work (e.g., the published statistics on the labour market, on crime, on health, etc). -- U.K. Command Paper no. 3882, Statistics: A Matter of Trust

Official statistics -- quality “There is no standard definition among statistical agencies for the term official statistics. There is a generally accepted, but evolving, range of quality issues underlying the concept of 'fitness for use'. These elements of quality need to be considered and balanced in the design and implementation of an agency's statistical program.” -- Statistics Canada

Official statistics -- assessment Attributes of quality that make statistics fit for use:  Relevance  Accuracy  Timeliness  Accessibility  Interpretability  Coherence -- Statistics Canada

Official statistics -- standards Official statistics must go through a formal process in their creation and release. Definitions of concepts are a critical aspect of the process, as are the methodologies for collecting and producing the statistics. This relates directly to the accuracy, coherence, and interpretability aspects of quality assessment described by Statistics Canada.

Official statistics -- sources Official statistics can be created from administrative databases, such as birth or death certificates or from national surveys, such as the Labour Force Survey, which is used to determine employment statistics.

Surveys Census Canadian Community Health Survey Labour Force Survey General social survey National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Business Register Survey of Household Spending Survey of Giving, Volunteering, and Participating Participation and Activities Limitation Survey Ethnic Diversity Survey Vital Statistics Hospital Morbidity Database National Health Expenditure Database Crime reports Court reports Education reports Longitudinal Administrative Data System National Accounts LIDS (Landed Immigrant Data System) Income Statistics (Canadian Revenue Agency) Administrative Records

Federal official health statistics Report of the Auditor General of Canada, 2002

Health Indicators: integrating many data sources Statistics Canada :  vital statistics and cancer registry (administrative data)  health surveys: NPHS, CCHS, other  census  labour force survey  crime statistics Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) :  provincial health ministries,  Health Canada administrative data  hospital morbidity database  discharge abstract database,  other health care system statistics

Chuck Humphrey, Anna Bombak, Lindsay Johnston, Leah Vanderjagt University of Alberta Finding Canadian Statistics Anna Bombak WISLL II, February 21, 2008

Finding statistics

Finding statistics -- perspectives “Data” perspective: to identify a data source from which the statistics could be produced. This approach relies on knowledge of data sources collected by agencies. “Government Publications” perspective: to identify an agency which produces such a statistic. This approach relies on knowledge of governmental structure and the content for which agencies are responsible.

Statistics Canada -- an essential source In Canada, as in many other Commonwealth countries, there is a central statistical body responsible for gathering, processing, and publishing statistics. Statistics Canada is the first place to look when trying to find statistics about Canada or Canadians. Statistics Canada not only provides statistics at the national level, but may also provide data unavailable elsewhere at the provincial/territorial, municipal, or even sub- municipal level.

Statistics Canada -- the “Greatest Hits” The Statistics Canada website encompasses many, many, important statistical databases, publications, and other sources of statistical It would be outside the scope of any presentation to list them all, but some of the more useful places to look when searching for Canadian statistics on the Statistics Canada website are:

Statistics Canada -- the “Greatest Hits”  Summary Tables  Statistics by Subject  Community Profiles  Census  E-Stat  The Daily  Internet Free Publications

Statistics Canada -- Summary Tables The Summary Tables, formerly called Canadian Statistics, provide an overview of statistical information on Canada’s people, economy and governments.Summary Tables Tables are indexed by subject, by province/territory/metropolitan area, or by an alphabetical list of topics.

Statistics Canada – Statistics by Subject This entry on the Statistics Canada homepage groups together all Statistics Canada resources on a subjects such as “Aboriginals”, “Children & Youth”, “Crime & Justice”, “Government”, etc. In addition to data tables, Statistics by Subject provides information from The Daily, Publications, and other Statistics Canada resources, as well as links to relevant external sources.Statistics by Subject

Statistics Canada -- Community Profiles The Community Profiles provide community-level information from the 2006 Census of Population. Users can search for an area of interest by typing its 'place name' in a search box or by clicking on a province/territory from a list and then selecting the desired community area.Community Profiles New for 2006: Census Tract (CT) Profiles provide 2006 Census data for census tracts. Census Tract (CT) Profiles

Statistics Canada -- Census The Census of Population provides a snapshot of Canada's demographic, social and economic characteristics every five years. Census of Population The Census provides population and dwelling counts not just at the national level, but also for each province/ territory, and for smaller geographic units such as cities or districts within cities. The Census of Agriculture provides statistics on farm operators, land use and land practices, farm finances, crops and horticulture and livestock for most Canadian communities. Census of Agriculture

Statistics Canada -- E-STAT E-STAT is an interactive database containing statistical time-series about society and the economy in Canada, and is free online to educational institutions. E-STAT contains Canada-wide community information, current and historical population and agricultural census data, and data from the Human Activity and the Environment and Aboriginal Peoples surveys. Data tables may be downloaded in a variety of formats as well as transformed into colour maps and graphs. This makes it an excellent resource for student papers. E-STAT

Statistics Canada -- The Daily The Daily is Statistics Canada's official release bulletin, the Agency's first line of communication with the media and the public. The Daily issues news releases on current social and economic conditions and announces new products. It provides a comprehensive one-stop overview of new information available from Statistics Canada. The Daily

Statistics Canada -- Free Internet Publications Statistics Canada provides Free Internet Publications containing statistics and analysis in the form of survey results, research reports, technical papers, periodicals, census products, and research compendia. Online publications date from 1996 to the present. Free Internet Publications

Statistics Canada -- other resources  Printed publications  Pre-mid-90’s publications available in Depository Libraries  Censuses from  Historical Statistics of Canada (printed and online)online  Canada Yearbooks (some years available online as e- Book)e- Book  Definitions, data sources and methods Definitions, data sources and methods  Enquiries line and other contact information contact information

Government of Canada -- web site The Government of Canada web site serves as a comprehensive information and portal site to all federal government departments, crown corporations, and other federal-government-associated agencies. This is a good place to start when seeking specific statistics not available or easily found through Statistics Canada. Government of Canada web site

Canadian Federal Departments  Canada Revenue Agency  some taxation statistics  Citizenship and Immigration Canada  immigration, refugees, international adoption  Dept. of Finance  National Budget  Dept. of National Defense & the Canadian Forces  some expenditure statistics  Health Canada  disease occurrence statistics  Indian and Northern Affairs Canada  Northern expenditures, etc.

Some other federal statistical sources  Aboriginal Canada Portal Aboriginal Canada Portal  comprehensive portal site to all statistics and topics relating to Canadian First Nations  Bank of Canada Bank of Canada  Canadian financial statistics, rates, etc.  Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Canadian Institute for Health Information  statistics on the Canadian health care system (hospitals, health care providers, health indicators, etc.)

Provincial statistical sources Most (all?) Provinces/Territories now regrettably lack a centralized statistical bureau. However, provincial government web sites often contain much useful statistical information, particularly in the areas of employment, tourism, small business and other economic data, as well as statistics embedded in provincial departments’ Annual Reports E.g. Government of Alberta homepageGovernment of Alberta

Municipal statistical sources City, town, and village government web sites often contain statistical information, including:  civic censuses  police crime reports  taxation and municipal expenditure  economic and small business data  housing and construction

Chuck Humphrey, Anna Bombak, Lindsay Johnston, Leah Vanderjagt University of Alberta Finding Tools & Exercises Anna Bombak WISLL II, February 21, 2008

Some tools for finding statistics Catalogues NEOS Libraries’ Catalogue Statistics Canada Online Catalogue Guides Guide to Statistical Sources Resource Guide to Health Statistics Canadian Economic Statistics Research Guide Databases Statistical Bibliographic -- Fulltext, Indexes+abstracts, etc. Google Statistics Canada web site  Government Info: The DailyThe Daily  Census of Canada:  U of A Data Library web site U of A Data Library web site  Statistics Canada web site Statistics Canada web site