Introducing ARC and ReportCard2.0 Company and Product Overview ARC Research & Development Pty Ltd Monday, June 01, 2015Monday, June 01, 2015Monday, June 01, 2015Monday, June 01, 2015 Monday, June 01, 2015Monday, June 01, 2015Monday, June 01, 2015Monday, June 01, 2015
Company Profile ARC Research and Development Pty Ltd Australian company based in Sydney, NSWAustralian company based in Sydney, NSW Developers of ReportCard2.0, Reporter, Surveyor and AssessItDevelopers of ReportCard2.0, Reporter, Surveyor and AssessIt Company founded in 1995Company founded in 1995 Develop, sell & support software for use in schoolsDevelop, sell & support software for use in schools Seeking partnerships for expansion overseasSeeking partnerships for expansion overseas
Overview of Software Products ReportCard2.0 Curriculum Management Software designed for:Curriculum Management Software designed for: Recording academic performanceRecording academic performance Reporting to ParentsReporting to Parents Analysing school performance and lesson planningAnalysing school performance and lesson planning Surveyor Simple Survey Tool designed for:Simple Survey Tool designed for: Conducting Student/Parent surveysConducting Student/Parent surveys Low cost plain-paper scanning technologyLow cost plain-paper scanning technology Instant graphical feedbackInstant graphical feedback AssessIt Multiple Choice exam marking tool designed for:Multiple Choice exam marking tool designed for: Rapid creation of paper based multiple choice testsRapid creation of paper based multiple choice tests Low cost plain-paper scanning technologyLow cost plain-paper scanning technology Automatic transfer of results to a mark bookAutomatic transfer of results to a mark book Reporter Web-based reporting software designed for:Web-based reporting software designed for: Recording academic performanceRecording academic performance Reporting to ParentsReporting to Parents
Screenshot of ReportCard2.0
ReportCard2.0 Benefits ReportCard2.0 Key features: Saves Time Saves Time Saves Money Saves Money Enhances School Image Enhances School Image Assures Quality Assessment Assures Quality Assessment Improves the Teaching and Learning Environment Improves the Teaching and Learning Environment Meets Schools Differing Demands Meets Schools Differing Demands Organises Curriculum Resources Organises Curriculum Resources Reduces Stress and Disruption Reduces Stress and Disruption
Federal Government Pressures Federal Government Pressures “The Coalition will ensure that as a condition of funding, student report cards will be written in plain language. A child’s progress must be measured against national standards and the achievements of other students in the class. “ The Coalitions plan for higher standards and value in schools 3 rd October 2004 This statement ties 20% of a schools funding to delivery of effective reports to parentsThis statement ties 20% of a schools funding to delivery of effective reports to parents To compare a students performance against class and national standards requires schools to invest in a new ICT solution.To compare a students performance against class and national standards requires schools to invest in a new ICT solution. ReportCard2.0 meets this need and saves each teacher over 100 hours per year in the production of their reports.ReportCard2.0 meets this need and saves each teacher over 100 hours per year in the production of their reports. The need for ReportCard2.0
Standard Setup
Teacher Data Entry Options ‘Traditional’ mark book formats allows Outcomes, Marks, Grades and Comments to be entered on a grid Simplest ever data entry sheet allows results to be entered quickly with a mouse. Teacher training takes 15 minutes. Printed forms can be scanned and processed with a digital copier
In a recent survey of users, well over 90% rated ARC Software, Service, Support and Training as Excellent ReportCard2.0 is the result of over $2M of Research and Development over 7 years We have the most advanced reporting system in the world ARC is a Government endorsed supplier. We were selected by the NSW Government as a contract supplier for school reporting and the software meets all Government requirements The software is developed by ex-teachers who understand the needs of a school - an easy and simple reporting system! School data can be imported from many administration systems such as OASIS, Timechart, CASES21, Timetabler, WinSchool, Principal for Windows etc. Why ReportCard2.0
Strong links with Government for many years
“As a result of using ReportCard the school has saved money and teacher time yet delivers a quality student report based on outcomes that is consistent with departmental guidelines.” - Hywel Lewis-Jones, Deputy Principal Sydney Secondary College, Blackwattle Bay Sydney Secondary College, Blackwattle Bay “I have seen what is in the US, I have seen what is in Canada, I know that the UK does not have anything like it. ReportCard is the most advanced reporting system in the world.” - John Patterson, Associate Professor Dean of Education - Wollongong University “ARC ReportCard was found to be the most appropriate and best product for our school in terms of its user-friendliness, advanced features, flexibility and adaptability to any reporting format that we requested.” - Scott Sleap, Reporting Coordinator Maitland Grossman High School Testimonials It has been very easy to induct new members of staff into the system. Administrative problems have become insignificant as we've become more familiar with the programme. The reports are much better looking. We feel happier about the professionalism of the appearance of the reports. - Terry Wright, Reporting Coordinator Armidale High School
The simplest ever data entry system Outcome assessments are recorded with a single mouse click Teachers select from a list of students and subjects that they teach Comments can be selected from a bank Or teachers can manually type their own comments
Reports Report Layouts can include 2 Graphs, a wide range of Outcomes Tables, Teacher Comments, School Logo among many other items Report Layouts can be easily edited using Microsoft Word
Flexible Reports Booklet styleBooklet style Double sidedDouble sided A3, A4, A5A3, A4, A5 Outcome tablesOutcome tables CommentsComments GraphsGraphs Marks & GradesMarks & Grades CommentsComments Colour GraphicsColour Graphics Cover PagesCover Pages Interim ReportsInterim Reports Flexible Reports
The Smart Reporting Engine Reports are based on Microsoft WordReports are based on Microsoft Word Special ‘Active Elements’ such as tables and graphs have been custom designed for academic reportingSpecial ‘Active Elements’ such as tables and graphs have been custom designed for academic reporting Tables grow/shrink and appear/disappear as required to show each individual students personal achievementsTables grow/shrink and appear/disappear as required to show each individual students personal achievements Different subjects can use different report formatsDifferent subjects can use different report formats All collation is automaticAll collation is automatic ‘Archive Print’ function creates and saves a MS Word document file for each student.‘Archive Print’ function creates and saves a MS Word document file for each student. Report layouts are ‘database independent’ and may be shared with other schoolsReport layouts are ‘database independent’ and may be shared with other schools
Contact Us ARC Research & Development Pty Ltd International Business Centre Australian Technology Park Eveleigh NSW 1430 Phone: Fax: ARC Research & Development Pty Ltd