assocs EFG Associates, Inc.1 THE TRAINING IMPROVEMENT WHEEL Ensuring that Training is Positioned for Success in the New Millenium
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.2 What’s Wrong With Training? too expensive too late too many unproven assumptions too quiet too unfocused on what really matters too complicated too minimal
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.3 HOW CAN IT BE FIXED?
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.4 START WITH THE END IN MIND outward focus “When I am successful at measuring and improving training, I will be doing….” not mistaking the part for the whole
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.5 DETERMINE NEEDED BUSINESS OUTCOMES Analyze your Strategic Plan for business outcomes. Rank the business outcomes. Translate business outcomes into training objectives. Rank the training objectives. Reconcile the two lists.
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.6 DEVELOP APPROPRIATE PERFORMANCE METRICS Are you a competency-based organization? Are supervisors trained to link job performance to specific competencies? Are employees held accountable for job performance? Can you distinguish your best performers from all others?
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.7 BENCHMARK AGAINST “BEST IN CLASS” Research Component in our department in our line of business different processes internally an identical process outside of our line of business different processes in our line of business different processes outside our line of business Action Component actively benchmark internally actively benchmark with world-class partners we are recognized as world-class and permit others to benchmark us
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.8 IMPLEMENT BEST PRACTICES IN TRAINING start with the end in mind; plan what you will evaluate first survey your staff’s training competencies survey the training climate survey each customer you serve reconcile the climate survey with the customer survey(s) with the competency survey
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.10 MEASURE THE TRAINING ROI collect pre-program data collect post-program data isolate training effects tabulate program $ benefits tabulate program $ costs most senior managers view training ROI of at least 5:1 as indicative of a good investment
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.11 COMMUNICATE THE VALUE OF TRAINING ROI = tangible benefit intangible benefits include: –increased job satisfaction –increased organizational commitment –improved teamwork –improved customer service –reduced complaints –reduced conflicts –reduced stress
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.12 CALCULATING RETURN-ON-INVESTMENT (ROI) program benefits - program costs ROI ($) = program costs X 100 This formula also shows the number of dollars returned for each dollar invested.
assocs EFG Associates, Inc.13 POSITIONING TRAINING AT THE “BIG TABLE” CONGRATULATIONS! If you were successful in each of the other phases, you have earned a place at the big table!