Biotechnology Quiz w Q1: Wine and beer are made with the help of yeast. What type of micro-organism is yeast? w a) Bacteria w b) Fungus w c) Algae w d) Microbeast
Q2 w What is the term used to describe the conversion of sugar to alcohol? w a) Alcoholic Fermentation w b) Germination w c) Aerobic Respiration w d) Pure Genius
Q3 w Alcoholic Fermentation produces alcohol and energy. What other product is produced? w a) Carbon Dioxide w b) Water w c) Oxygen w d) Alcoholics
Q4 w In the beer industry what name is given to the conversion process of starch to sugar in barley grains? w a) Germination w b) Malting w c) Fermentation w d) Batch Processing
Q5) w What substance when present in milk causes it to sour? w A) Lactose w b) Amino Acids w c) Lactic Acid w d) A slice of lemon
Q6) w What 3 growth conditions must be given to yeast during beer making? w a) Food, Suitable Temp and Lack of Competition w b) Food, Oxygen and Suitable Temp w c) Food, CO 2, and Suitable Temp w d) Food, Oxygen and Lack Of Competition
Q7) w What type of plant thrives in a river polluted with raw sewage? w a) Seaweed w b) Algae w c) Water Lily w d) Lichen
Q8 w Name 2 diseases that could be spread by untreated sewage w a) AIDS and Hepatitis w b) Chicken Pox and Mumps w c) Dysentery and Cholera w d) Malaria and Diptheria
Q9 w Which gas produced as a side product of sewage treatment is often of economic value w a) Nitrogen w b) Methane w c) Oxygen w d) Hydrogen
Q10 w In Brazil what crop is used to produce alcohol as a fuel for cars which is able to replace petrol? w a) Wheat w b) Sugar Cane w c) Maize w d) Oats
Q11 w What piece of apparatus is used to heat glassware above 120 o C in a microbiology lab? w a) Oven w b) Microwave w c) Autoclave w d) Bunsen Flame
Q12 w What name is given to the type of bacteria that obtain food from dead or decaying material? w a) Fungi w b) Nitrobacter w c) Saprophytes w d) Leguminous
Q13 w What name is given to the stage of the nitrogen cycle where nitrates are converted into nitrogen gas? w a) Nitrification w b) Denitrification w c) Nitrogen Fixation w d) Nitrogenation
Tie-Break 1 w What name is given to the type of protection used by bacterial cells so they can resist extreme temps and pH’s? w A: Spores/Endospores
Tie Break 2 w In bread making what makes the dough bubble and rise? w A: Carbon Dioxide
Tie Break 3 w What test could be done to prove that lactic acid fermentation was taking place in sour milk? w A: pH test
Tie Break 4 w What name is given to the growth medium commonly used in petri dishes to grow microbes? w A: Agar