Air ticket online booking - Tamas Molnar The European Commission – DG Health and Consumer Luxemburg – 11 June 2008
The Sweep Coordinated enforcement action of public authorities 16 countries participated Scope: Air ticket on-line booking Hundreds of web–sites were checked
Main trends 1 in 3 websites were followed up with enforcement action 50% of those sites have been corrected
Key Figures BreachDetrimentPercentage sites Misleading indication of price Additional charges not indicated at first (taxes, etc ) 58% Lack of information on availability of offers Impossible or difficult to find despite eye- catching marketing 15% Irregularity linked to contract terms Missing, illegible, use of pre-checked boxes 49% OtherNo contact details 9%
National / Cross border cases 137 sites with confirmed irregularities National Enforcement 90 sites identified Cross border Enforcement 42 sites identified
Bad practice
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