Presented by Malcolm Thomas Superintendent, Escambia School District Education is changing 1
2 Some change is smelly
3 Changing Education with Web 2.0 Tools Some change is necessary
Engaging today’s students Means connecting to what is important to them.
We have a responsibility to prepare them for their future, not our past.
6 Technology allows learners get their information –When they want it –How they want it –Wherever they want it
7 Digital Natives Visual learners Multi-taskers Short attention spans Use technology for expression Information analysts Content producers Real-time learners - instant messages, text messages
8 How students live with technology Different kinds of experiences lead to different brain structures. Dr. Bruce D. Perry, Baylor College of Medicine
9 Educators must get over the idea that technology will replace them. Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer absolutely deserves it.
10 Impossible to keep up with it Skills learned today will be irrelevant in the near future Focus less on the technology skill Focus more on the 21 st century skill Technology is changing
11 21 st Century Skills Communication Innovation Creativity Problem-Solving Interactive Collaboration Critical Thinking
12 What should teachers be doing? Build digital literacy Teach to sort and validate information Protect from inappropriate content Use tech tools to communicate more effectively Create learning networks for teachers and students Provide learning whatever, whenever, wherever Provide authentic learning experiences- engaging and contextual Provide opportunities beyond the classroom
Best learning occurs when: 13 Out of the textbook Out of their desks Out of the classroom
14 Prepare them for their future, NOT our past. –Box of Tricks
15 Why Change? You change because you understand learning is dynamic and that to not change means to quit growing.