1 Managing Serials Chaos Could “INNOPAC + SerialsSolutions” become Serials Solutions? Bill Tang Serials & E-Resources Librarian.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Serials Chaos Could “INNOPAC + SerialsSolutions” become Serials Solutions? Bill Tang Serials & E-Resources Librarian

2 Overview Why Serials are Unique? Serials Management = Managing Chaos? INNOPAC + SerialsSolutions…Does it work? Paradise or Pandemonium? Serials Management Christmas Wish List Acknowledgement

3 What are Serials? Publication issued in successive parts Usually (though not always) at regular intervals Intended to be continued indefinitely

4 Serials are Unique Variety of Formats Fluctuations Rapid Growing Overlap Packages of Subscription Constantly Changing (Title, Coverage, URL) Resource Linking

5 Variety of Formats Same Title / Issue: Print Microform Electronic

6 Fluctuations Publication - Daily - Weekly - Bi-Monthly - Monthly - Quarterly - Half-yearly - Annually - Irregularly - Suddenly Retention -Three Months - Six Months - One Year - Two Years - Three Years - ‘Ceased’ but still alive in an archive - And the dreaded ‘Delayed Publication’, the ‘undead’ of the Serials World Increase Decrease

7 Rapid Growing Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory: - E-Journals increase 139% from 2000 to 2006 Lingnan E-Journals increase 413% from 2001 to Moved from 3,500 print titles to almost 44,000 print and digital titles, in multiple formats, and in multiple databases and with differing coverage

8 Overlap - Full Overlap - Partial Overlap - A journal may be available in different vendor’s / aggregator’s products

9 Overlap of Title / Issue

10 Packages of Subscription Print Only Print + Free Online for Paid Issues Print + Free Online with Back Issues to Current Online Only + Perpetual Access (First Available Issue to date) Online Only + Perpetual Access for Paid Issues Consortium


12 Constantly Changing - 2) Coverage / Holdings Example (in ASP): Journal of comparative family studies ( ) 01/01/2002 – Present (Coverage in Aug 2006) 01/03/1992 – Present (Coverage in Nov 2006) - 3) URL Example: ORSA journal on computing ( ) (URL in Aug 2006) (URL in Nov 2006)

13 Resources Linking - WebBridge Linking to article level / journal level not always available 26,155 titles are available in our coverage database

14 User ’ s Expectation Does the library have this journal in print or in digital full-text format? = Remote Access all Digital Formats =All Back Issues to Current = No Embargo Period

15 INNOPAC + SerialsSolutions How Does It Work?

16 INNOPAC at Lingnan INNOPAC = Integrated Library System For Managing Serials, we are using: - Millennium Acquisitions - Millennium Serials - Cataloging - Web OPAC - WebBridge: Resources Linking - Web Access Management: Authentication

17 SerialsSolutions at Lingnan Access & Management Suite (A.M.S) Patron:Librarian: E-Journal PortalOverlap Analysis A to Z Title ListsUsage Statistics SearchingLibrary Data Customization Subject Browsing Journal Linker Ulrichsweb.com Linking

18 SerialsSolutions & Serials Management Life Cycle

19 INNOPAC + SerialsSolutions in SMLC INNOPAC + SerialsSolutions = Serials Solutions

20 Before Subscribing (ACQ) [A] How many titles are available in Business Source Premier?

21 [B] What kind of titles are available in Business Source Premier? Before Subscribing (ACQ)

22 Setup a Trial (ACQ) If we would like to setup a trial of “Business Source Premier” for library user in journal level access…

23 Setup a Trial (ACQ)

24 Comparison (ACQ) If you would like to migrate your subscription from Business Source Elite to Business Source Premier…

25 Overlap Analysis (ACQ)

26 Access Points in the EJ Portal (Provide Access)

27 Access Points in the EJ Portal (Provide Access)

28 Access Points in the EJ Portal (Provide Access)

29 Create MARC in the Library Catalogue (Provide Access)

30 The MARC of DSN Retailing Today

31 Something is Missing …

32 Create MARC for Title with ISSN (Provide Access)

33 Create MARC for Title without ISSN (Provide Access)

34 MARC Record integrated with E-Journal Portal (Administration) After Integration, Coverage and URLs are managed by SerialsSolutions!

35 Titles Added and Dropped (Administration) ( MARC records ) (CHECKER)

36 Comparison Results: Delete Bib: Add Bib: Delete 773 (Database Name): Add 773 (Database Name):

37 Provide Support For User Services: - A student is looking for some journals in Music, Dance, Drama & Film!

38 Provide Support

39 Evaluation - Usage Statistics

40 Evaluation - Which E-Journal is the most popular!

41 Before the Cancellation (Evaluation) Compare with Entire Library Serials Collection…

42 Before the Cancellation (Evaluation)

43 Cancellation (Evaluation) Remove Access Points: E-Journal Portal (SerialsSolutions)Library Catalogue (INNOPAC) Library Patron

44 Cancellation (Evaluation)

45 INNOPAC + SerialsSolutions in SMLC INNOPAC + SerialsSolutions = Serials Solutions

46 Managing Serials Chaos, Just Like Driving a Racing Car!

47 To manage Serials Chaos - We need …

48 Paradise or Pandemonium Paradise: - Empower librarians to manage their serials collection - Enable users to quickly search and access specific journals and view the entire serials collection Pandemonium: - Response Time - Spot Check - Communication

49 SCMP or SCMP (Victoria, HK:1946) Finally… Bib Record from LC:

50 Our “ Christmas Wish List ” More Contents Available - Complete set of Full text Collection - Perpetual Access - No Embargo Period Lower Subscription Fee - Journal Database - Management Tool Data Accuracy - Right title - Accurate Holdings Statement and URL - Safe Access More Resources Sharing - Direct access via entire JULAC network

51 Acknowledgements Our Librarian, who brings SS to Lingnan University Library My Colleagues and Team Mate, their contributions HKBU – the EJCOP program HKUST – hosts this wonderful HKIUG annual meeting

52 Thank You!