LTAD Model: Vol. 2, The Program Physical Development Technical Development Psychological Development Program Development Monitoring Training Success
Implementation Guidelines
Consistent, definitions and terminology (page 7):
Age Training HoursCardiovascular Training Physiol. Shooting Aerobic Capacity Aerobic Power Anaerobic Lactic Anaerobic Alactic ONSET OF PHV PHV1 200 hrs to 250 hrs 75 hrs to 100 hrs 80-90% of the YTP 3-5% 6-10 races regional / prov. None 1% Neuromuscular Adaptation + Pre-race Activation + Circuit Training Year 2 PHV2 250 hrs to 300 hrs 100 hrs to 125 hrs 75-85% of the YTP 3-5% Intervals (pre-comp phase) races regional / prov. Introduction 1% Neuromuscular Adaptation + Pre-race Activation + Circuit Training Year 3 PHV3 300 hrs to 350 hrs 125 hrs to 150 hrs 75-85% of the YTP 5-7% Intervals (specific phase) races regional / prov. 1-2% (pre-comp phase) 1% Neuromuscular Adaptation + Pre-race Activatio Year 4 PHV4 350 hrs to 400 hrs 150 hrs to 175 hrs 75-85% of the YTP 5-7% Intervals races prov. / Cdn Cup Nationals 1-2% (pre-comp phase) 1% Neuromuscular Adaptation + Pre-race Activation Train to Train: Progressions
Age Strength Training GeneralMaximalPower ONSET OF PHV PHV1 6-10% of Physical hours Circuit Training Body Weight + ski specific None Year 2 PHV % Weight Room Adaptation (3-4 weeks) wk programs+ ski specific None Year 3 PHV % Weight Room Adaptation (3-4 weeks) wk programs+ ski specific None Year 4 PHV % Weight Room Adaptation (3-4 weeks) wk programs+ ski specific None
Post PHV: Gender Differences: Training To Compete, Males
Post-PHV: Training Mode Progressions: Percentages
Shooting Skills: Progression and Evaluation
Ski Skill: Progression and Evaluation
Mental Skill: Progression and Evaluation
Mental Skills: Progression and Evaluation
Skill Development: Location and Phase
PHASEDescriptor *Coach: athlete ratio Consultant support level 1 Basic equipment Other equipment Medical Support Mid ChildhoodUnder 11 10:1 plus parent helpers NA Snow skis Access to Rifle Competitive XC ski clothes and summer training clothes Annual checkup - GP Late Childhood Learn to Train Beginners and pre-PHV adolescents 10:1 plus parent helpers NA Snow skis Access to Roller skis Rifle HR Monitor Competitive XC ski clothes and summer training clothes Annual checkup - GP Train To Train Club-based Adolescents, post PHV; high school 2-4:1 NA Rifle Roller skis Snow skis HR Monitor Competitive XC ski clothes and summer training clothes Access to Noptel Annual checkup - GP Recreational Adults Young adults or older who are recreational biathletes 2-5:1 Personal trainer Rifle Roller skis Snow skis HR Monitor Competitive XC ski clothes and summer training clothes Annual checkup – GP. Fitness assessment for over 40’s. Club Development Model
Club vs. Training Centre: T2T PHASEDescriptorTraining Vemue Compet- itive opportuniti es Personal Income Training Camp Support Testing Requireme nts EducationSupervised Training Regime Club Train to Train Adolescents, post PHV; Club Div. Camps. Competitio ns National, provincial level NoneCoachingField testsHS 2-5 sessions per week plus school PE TC Train to Train Talent ID and Youth 100% training center- based Provincial towards national as competency dictates NoneCoaching services Field testsHS 3-5 sessions weekly 100% shooting
Incremental Progress Monitoring Guidelines Pre – Participation Screening Development Level and Cohesive Training Groups Explosive Power Tests Shooting Position Test Shooting Tests Maximum Aerobic Power (MAP) Test (Leger Beep Test) Training Effectiveness Conconi Sub-maximal Test Lactate Monitoring – Spot Checks Orthostatic (RUSKO 90 sec. test) Heart Rate Test Strength Endurance Test
Performance On Demand Precision Shooting Test Registration of Shooting Combos Summer Biathlon Competition, Running or Roller Skiing On-snow Time Trials – full simulation Surprise tests and unusual challenges