MEDICINES & DRUGS Drugs anything that changes the body or mind drugs that prevent or treat illnesses Pills, liquids, injections, topical applications Prescription Doctor gives permission to use & monitors OTC Over The Counter, found in most stores
CLASSIFICATIONS Prevent vaccines Fight antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals Relieve analgesics-aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, cortico-steriods Maintain allergy medicine, MH medicine, body regulating
PRESCRIPTION LABEL Names Doctor, patient, pharmacy, medicine Numbers Phone of above, prescription, pills, refills Expiration date Warnings “Do not operate heavy machinery” “Take with food” NO SIDE EFFECTS
EFFECTS Side effects Any effects other than what it is intended to do Tolerance Body becomes used to medicine & needs more Withdrawal Symptoms that occur when stop using Abuse Improper use, sharing with others, not following directions
ADDICTION CYCLE 1) first use 5)ADDICTION 2) tolerance 4)physiological 3) psychological dependence dependence
CONSEQUENCES-SELF Physical Addiction, sickness, death Social Loss of friends, family members, job Mental Addicition, decreased self esteem
CONSEQUENCES - OTHERS Society $160 million-medical bills, loss of work hours, accidents, jail time Family & Friends Increase in domestic violence, birth defects, divorce, neglect
ILLEGAL DRUGS Psychoactive Stimulants speed up CNS Speed Depressants slow down CNS Marijuana Narcotics opiates to relieve pain Heroin Hallucinogens alter moods & thoughts XTC Inhalants sniffing, huffing fumes Anabolic Steroids muscle building