WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'061 eLearning in Software Engineering Stanimir Stoyanov, University of Plovdiv
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'062 Agenda DeLC CBT vs eLearning eLSE Project Implementation
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'063 Distributed eLearning Center COMMERCEBULCHINOeLSE DeLC Infrastructure supporting the education in bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD’s programs: Activities – different projects …
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'064 CBT & eLearning “Through the Internet, education will become learner- and goal-oriented rather than faculty-centered” Lesser, Klein, MIT “eLearning should not be confused with traditional forms of CBT, which is nothing more than recorded education” Drucker, Delphi Group
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'065 Computer Based Training (CBT) Origin of eLearning Attempt to automate education Process of learning predeterminated by: Time Place Content Not more than recorded education
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'066 eLearning Origins in CBT Process of learning: Just-in-time, anywhere, anytime Customized On-demand
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'067 Academic Education eLearning CBT & eLearning GeneralizedPersonalized Content Context Just-in-Case Just-in-Time Distance Learning Self-paced CBT CBT
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'068 If we intend to implement a real application: Better – CBT Tools eLSE is a research project (not real application): We need eLearning Tools: New architectures (service-oriented) Semantic Web, Semantic Grid Standards – architectures, protocols, e-content, … ADL SCORM Multi-communication access to information sources (mobile devices) Agent-based approaches Knowledge technologies Application integration Profiling Important Remark
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'069 Conceptual Model (CM) Domain Model PedagogicalModelStudent Model Generation Interpretation SELBOeLSE Portal E-Content
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0610 e-Content in eLSE SELBO eLSE Portal E-Content Basic LOs Relations Packages SCORM Different Aspects: Syntax Semantics Meta-information
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0611 SELBO-Editors & Generators Basic LOs: Multimedia – Texts, Pictures, Sounds, Static charts Interactive HTML Pages – Tests, Scenarios, … Simulations (DT SIM Builder) Relations: Ontology (domain modeling) S&N Rules Packages: SCORM Generator (not visible) User assistants Agents
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0612 eLSE Portal Fix line access Mobile access (COMMERCE) eLearning Services eLSE Run-time System SCORM run-time
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0613 COMMERCE- anywhere, anytime, …
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0614 COMMERCE
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0615 COMMERCE
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0616 User modeling – personalization, … Different approaches: Overlay models Stereotype models Mix models Our approach From stereotype to mix CC/PP protocol (W3C)
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0617 Models - Agents Mappings Stereotype models Agents without Domain Model Knowledge Mix models Agents with Domain Model Knowledge
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0618 Stereotypes & Personal Agents Server Agents PA(Ivan) User Environments Agent X (Student 1 year) Ivan is Student 1 year PA(Maria) Maria is Student 1 year
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0619 Implementation Java Language Java 2 Enterprise Edition Java 2 Standard Edition Java 2 Micro Edition CDC CLDC Cards JADE Protege
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0620 Milestones Introduction phase: End of October’06 Design phase: End of October’07 End of the implementation: End of 2008
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0621 Outcomes DeLC – real operating infrastructure eLSE prototype implementation Specifications, Models (UML, AUML) Reports Publications
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0622 Next steps SELBO Editors Abstraction levels Generators Agents Patterns Scenarios Models IPL CBS UserModel SmartAgents ?
WorkShop SEERE, Ravda'0623 Thank you!