World Mission Report South Central District WELS Family Conference – Galveston, Texas October 8-9, 2009
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The Apostolic Age
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The Apostolic Age –Jesus gives the word to “Go!”
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The Apostolic Age –Jesus gives the word to “Go!” –12 become 120 in Upper Room after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The Apostolic Age –Jesus gives the word to “Go!” –12 become 120 in Upper Room after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven –Increase to over 3,000 on Pentecost Day
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The Apostolic Age –Jesus gives the word to “Go!” –12 become 120 in Upper Room after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven –Increase to over 3,000 on Pentecost Day –Half a million believers by end of first century
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The Apostolic Age –Jesus gives the word to “Go!” –12 become 120 in Upper Room after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven –Increase to over 3,000 on Pentecost Day –Half a million believers by end of first century –Christians by then in Middle East, Asia Minor, Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Persia, India, Egypt, and Africa
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The first millennium
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The first millennium –By end of second century, ten million Christians in world
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The first millennium –By end of second century, ten million Christians in world –By end of fourth century all heathen temples destroyed or turned into churches
The Advance of the Gospel in the World The first millennium –By end of second century, ten million Christians in world –By end of fourth century all heathen temples destroyed or turned into churches –By end of ninth century, 100 million believers
The Advance of the Gospel in the World At the dawn of the 21 st century
The Advance of the Gospel in the World At the dawn of the 21 st century –Number of believers grown to two billion
The Advance of the Gospel in the World At the dawn of the 21 st century –Number of believers grown to two billion –Estimated that of all believers from first century to present, 70% came to Christ since 1900
The Advance of the Gospel in the World At the dawn of the 21 st century –Number of believers grown to two billion –Estimated that of all believers from first century to present, 70% came to Christ since 1900 –Shift of center of Christian gravity from Global North to Global South
The Advance of the Gospel in the World
Undeterred by hardship and affliction
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Undeterred by hardship and affliction –Persecution in early church
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Undeterred by hardship and affliction –Persecution in early church –In our times average of 182,000 believers a year worldwide martyred for faith
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Undeterred by hardship and affliction –Persecution in early church –In our times average of 182,000 believers a year worldwide martyred for faith –But accompanied by unprecedented spread of gospel
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Undeterred by hardship and affliction –Persecution in early church –In our times average of 182,000 believers a year worldwide martyred for faith –But accompanied by unprecedented spread of gospel –Christian Church built on blood of martyrs
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Mission work always a struggle
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Mission work always a struggle –Hans Egede to Greenland
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Mission work always a struggle –Hans Egede to Greenland –Judson in Burma
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Mission work always a struggle –Hans Egede to Greenland –Judson in Burma –Morrison in China
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Mission work always a struggle –Still awaiting a breakthrough in Japan
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Mission work always a struggle –Still awaiting a breakthrough in Japan –The lesson of the South Sea Islands
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Mission work always a struggle –Still awaiting a breakthrough in Japan –The lesson of the South Sea Islands –Europe in the Dark Ages
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Mission work always a struggle –Still awaiting a breakthrough in Japan –The lesson of the South Sea Islands –Europe in the Dark Ages –Do we have the patience and trust in the Gospel to persevere?
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Africa in 1900 had 7.5 million Christians
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Africa in 1900 had 7.5 million Christians –Today more than 400 million, expected to top 630 million by 2025
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Africa in 1900 had 7.5 million Christians –Today more than 400 million, expected to top 630 million by 2025 –Percentage of Africans who are Christian has risen from 10% in 1900 to 45% today
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Africa in 1900 had 7.5 million Christians –Today more than 400 million, expected to top 630 million by 2025 –Percentage of Africans who are Christian has risen from 10% in 1900 to 45% today –Lutheran Church of Central Africa had 700 members in 1971 when this speaker went as missionary; 50,000 today
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Wolamo & Kembatta tribes in Ethiopia
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Wolamo & Kembatta tribes in Ethiopia –Christianity in Korea
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Wolamo & Kembatta tribes in Ethiopia –Christianity in Korea –Marxist, atheistic China
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Ludwig Nommensen to Indonesia in 1861
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Ludwig Nommensen to Indonesia in 1861 –starts work among Batak peoples, known for cannibalistic ways
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Ludwig Nommensen to Indonesia in 1861 –starts work among Batak peoples, known for cannibalistic ways –By 1900 becomes largest Christian church in Asia with 180,000 members
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Ludwig Nommensen to Indonesia in 1861 –starts work among Batak peoples, known for cannibalistic ways –By 1900 becomes largest Christian church in Asia with 180,000 members –Batak Church today nearly 9 million members
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Gospel marches triumphantly on –Ludwig Nommensen to Indonesia in 1861 –starts work among Batak peoples, known for cannibalistic ways –By 1900 becomes largest Christian church in Asia with 180,000 members –Batak Church today nearly 9 million members –For first time since Dark Ages great numbers of Muslims (half a million) converted to Christ
The Advance of the Gospel in the World A myth that can be laid to rest
The Advance of the Gospel in the World A myth that can be laid to rest –Islam is not the fastest growing religion in the world
The Advance of the Gospel in the World A myth that can be laid to rest –Islam is not the fastest growing religion in the world –People worldwide are being brought to Christ at the astounding rate of one million per week
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Much work needs to be done
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Much work needs to be done –Six billion people in the world
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Much work needs to be done –Six billion people in the world –Four billion of whom are unsaved
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Much work needs to be done –Six billion people in the world –Four billion of whom are unsaved –But God’s program of “each one reach one” (personal evangelism) makes the mathematics manageable
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Much work needs to be done –Six billion people in the world –Four billion of whom are unsaved –But God’s program of “each one reach one” (personal evangelism) makes the mathematics manageable –The world can be evangelized in our generation
The Advance of the Gospel in the World What we can do
The Advance of the Gospel in the World What we can do –Our prayers
The Advance of the Gospel in the World What we can do –Our prayers –Our financial support of Christ’s mission in the world
The Advance of the Gospel in the World What we can do –Our prayers –Our financial support of Christ’s mission in the world –Our personal witness
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Let none hear you idly saying,
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Let none hear you idly saying, “There is nothing I can do,”
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Let none hear you idly saying, “There is nothing I can do,” While the souls of men are dying
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Let none hear you idly saying, “There is nothing I can do,” While the souls of men are dying And the Master calls for you.
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Take the task he gives you gladly,
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Take the task he gives you gladly, Let his work your pleasure be:
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Take the task he gives you gladly, Let his work your pleasure be: Answer quickly when he calls you,
The Advance of the Gospel in the World Take the task he gives you gladly, Let his work your pleasure be: Answer quickly when he calls you, “Here am I, send me, send me!” Amen
World Mission Report South Central District WELS Family Conference – Galveston, Texas October 8-9, 2009