ATHLETE: An Option for Mobile Lunar Habitats Brian Wilcox ATHLETE Principal Investigator Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology
Why Wheels-on-Limbs are lighter Design Parameter Conventional Vehicle (that doesn’t get stuck in 4σ terrain) Wheel-on-Limb Vehicle (rolls in 2-σ terrain; walks in extreme terrain) Ground pressure ~1 PSI (e.g. Apollo LRV, MER) ~4 PSI (saves ~ 4x mass on wheel) Stall Rim Thrust Each wheel needs rim thrust = 50% of total vehicle weight All wheels combined = 50% of vehicle weight ( ~ 12x mass savings for wheel actuators) SuspensionEach wheel may need to bear up to 50% of total vehicle weight with comparable thrust Each wheel never bears more than 20% of the total weight, and can be lifted whenever necessary (at no thrust) Mass savings for wheels, wheel actuators, and suspension components more than “pays” for all limb actuators – allowing general-purpose manipulation and mobility >4-σ for “free”.
Mobile Habitats based on ATHLETE recommended by NASA Lunar Architecture Team at AIAA Space 2007 Conference
“ Winnebagos and Jeeps” for Global- Scale Lunar Exploration Global-scale exploration is enabled by mobile habitats (“Winnebagos”) Small Pressurized Rovers (“Jeeps”) allow astronauts to quickly and easily reach sites of scientific interest, to bring human senses as close to the samples as a field geologist on Earth. Mobile habitats can perform excavation, drilling, and other sample and resource gathering functions without excessive need for short segments of EVA. It has been stated that “continuous presence” and “global exploration” are in conflict, because the explorers must always return to the ascent stage (and the next crew must come down to the nearby habitats). A solution is to make the ascent stage lander mobile and bring it in the caravan of mobile habitats.
NASA Lunar Architecture Team recommends Small Pressurized Rover to work with Mobile Habitat
One Lunar Mobile Habitat Concept
Using JSC Robonaut as an End Effector
Robonaut for Science Sample “High-Grading”
Example – Pole to Pole Global Exploration A Blend of Robotic and Human Exploration Central Far Side Highlands Oceanus Procellarum Aristarchus Plateau Rima Bode Mare Tranquillitatis South Pole Orientale Basin Floor Smythii Basin Floor SPA Basin Floor North Pole ESAS Sites