A Nation wide GIS Training Project Background, Scope, Tasks, Project Organisation and Performance
The Three Phases
Phase 1 To meet the politicians and senior officials –One day seminars within each county – different performance - feed back meetings –12 queries about GIS –The benefit of utilising GIS –How to manage a GIS effort –How to use what’s already done To initiate the local development process –Initiate the creation of a GIS strategy –Identify key persons –Get along from where you are – don’t necessarily start at box No 1 –Create a local plan for GIS activities –Plan for comprehensive GIS training
Phase 1 (contd.) To cooperate –The regional GIS association –Universities and colleges –Between two or more cities –Lessons learned Information material –Centrally produced –Published on internet for wide use Centrally executed lecturer training –Central lecturer pool
How to continue Test apps Endurance Coordination & standards Vision Technical solutions Quicker Pay back Costs & Benefits Develope systematically Killer apps Phase 1 Contents... What is GIS? Why GIS?
Phase 2 Skills to establish GIS – GIO training Create regional human networks Prepare Phase 3 Start (initiate) local implementation processes
Phase 2 (contd.) Target Group –GIOs –Members of human GIS networks –GIS enthusiasts and key persons
Phase 2 (contd.) The GIO (Geographic Information Officer) – who is that? –The coordinator of the GIS-activities –Transforms stategic visions to working applications –Masters GIS projects –Monitors the technical development and what’s going on –Is the GIS teacher (lecturer) and informer –Represents the organisation externally concerning GIS issues –Is responsible for enterprisewide applications and data –Proposes GIS activities –Reports to the general management –Is the master of the human GIS network
Phase 2 (contd.) The GIO has –IT-knowledge focusing on GIS –Knowledge about geo data base management –Knowledge about the own organisation and its activities –Knowledge about project and strategy work –Knowledge about activity and information analysis processes –Good teaching and information skills –Knowledge about project economy and investment analysis –Knowledge about legal aspects concerning GIS –Basic map skills –Understanding about the strategic importance of the information within the own organisation –A personal network within the GIS domain
Phase 2 (contd.) The GIO is –Enthusiastic and inspiring –A good coach –As good comunicating with the general management as with the end users –Result oriented –Structured –A good organiser –Flexible –Interested in the options of technology –A good teacher –Creative –A good member of a personal network
Phase 2 (contd.) Objectives for Phase 2 –Comprehensive knowledge about GIS –Skill as GIS Implementation project manager –Skill as a good teacher –Knowledge about data and data management –Ability to be a GIS purchaser
Phase 2 (contd.) Education seminars –Initial seminar in conjunction with the end of Phase 1 –Three segments with, in total, 16 topics Strategies and planning Implementing GIS Running and maintaining GIS –11 seminar days – period of 6 months 5 weeks GIS class at a univeristy college
Phase 2 (contd.) Segment – Strategies and planning –To create and establish a GIS strategy (1 day) –To establish a human GIS network (1/2 day) –To transform the GIS strategy to action plans and activity programs (1 day) –The activity analysis (1/2 day) –GIS economy (1/2 day)
Phase 2 (contd.) Segment – implementing GIS –To train the own organisation (1/2 day) –To create basic geo data sets (1 day) –Activities in a GIS project (1/2 day) –To inform about development of GIS within the own organisation (1/2 day) –To manage an implementation project (1/2 day)
Phase 2 (contd.) Segment – Running and maintaining GIS –Standards affecting GIS (1/2 day) –PilotGIS de facto-standard for societal planning (1 day) –Data provision and data management (1 day) –Technical platforms (1 day) –GIS on Internet and Intranet (1/2 day) –Legal aspects on GIS (1/2 day)
Phase 2 (contd.) Training material produced by 10 authors – all GIS experts – management focused Topic text (15 – 25 pages) OH-slides, teacher’s manual, training cases, litterature reference list Published on internet (website), possible to download and print
Task to the regions concerning Phase 2 Identify the target group – deploy individuals Establish cooperation teams Prepare and execute the training seminars Put priority on the GIS univeristy class training Create networks for the continued efforts Give additional information to politicians and senior officials Coordinate planning for Phase 3 Initiate local implementation processes
Local implementation processes A draft to a GIS strategy Ensure support from the top management Establish a GIS network Prepare for Phase 3 Create education programs Purchase GIS software Create a data provision concept
Phase 3 Objectives –Basic GIS knowledge –Knowledge about how GIS can be utilised within the own organisation –Knowledge about the local GIS organisation –Knowledge about geographic data and data use –Basic skill to use GIS
Components in Phase 3 GIOs and inter- nal instructors GIS strategy Training plan Basic GIS training course Locally pro- duced mate- rial 12 queries about GIS 16 training course components
Phase 3 (contd.) Local Training planning –Identify target groups –Investigate the need for training and status of existing skills –Streamline the training to the specific organisational needs –Do the training –Ensure funding
Tasks to the regions concerning Phase 3 Be encouraging Support the small cities Coordinate local training activities Take responsibility for funding local training activities Monitor and collect feed back
What is OGIS ? Proved Cost/benefit 1:4 Web-klient, developed in MapObjects/VisualBasic Presently used by 17 regional govenments Support, marketing, development: ESRI Sweden/LandFocus An easy-to use GIS viewer. Basicly developed for users within the regional government. Has proved to reduce the process time for dealing with different tasks. Can be used for viewing maps with huge amounts of data. StrateGIS
One test application on internet StrateGIS SwedeFacts –statistics on map (