Materials that we use in everyday life are usually classified into three categories. They are: Solids Liquids Gases
What makes a solid a solid? size shape A solid has a size and a shape of its own. A solid can be held. The particles are very tightly packed together.
What makes a liquid a liquid? A liquid has a size, but no shape of its own. takes the shape of the container it is inside A liquid takes the shape of the container it is inside. The particles are loosely connected.
What makes a gas a gas? no shape or size of its own whatsoever A gas has no shape or size of its own whatsoever. The particles are hardly linked at all and they collide with each other frequently.
Many materials can change into each of the different states. For example, we know that water can be a solid (ICE), liquid (WATER) and gas (STEAM).
Some materials are a little unusual however. They seem to be a mixture of different states. For example, soil has lots of air in between its molecules… Then there’s a sponge.