UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Department of Mathematical Information Technology Welcome to 1st International IFIP/WG12.5 (artificial intelligence) Working Conference on Industrial Applications of Semantic Web August 2005, Jyväskylä, Finland
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Department of Mathematical Information Technology Goal: Research and teach specific areas related to development of software and telecommunication solutions, optimization, and training for IT teachers Personnel –Professors 8 –Senior Lecturers 4 –Assistant professors 7 –Assistants 9 –Senior researchers 6 –Research students 19 –Designers 4 Ca. 800 M.Sc. students Ca. 100 Ph.D. students (full+part time)
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Degrees Offered two-step system of degrees Faculty/Dept. has followed the model of the pan- European two-step system of degrees (Bologna) as one of the pioneers in Europe since Autumn 2002 multifaceted professionals Along this new system of degrees and curricula, employers can have confidence that the graduates of the dept. are multifaceted professionals with wide range of skills to work in different positions in the field of business, research and education. Bachelor’s degree (3 years) Master’s degree (5 years) Ph.D. degree (approx. 8 years and up)
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Master’s Programs of Department of Mathematical Information Technology Scientific computing –Concentrates to developing and applying methods for modeling, numerical simulation and optimization of different phenomena in sciences and technologies Software engineering –Focuses to the production processes of software applications, covering both the development methods and their theoretical backgrounds IT Teacher education –Concentrates to connecting pedagogies with information technology in modern learning environments
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Master’s Programs of Department of Mathematical Information Technology Mobile systems –Includes mobile computing, telecommunication and embedded systems –Focuses to the possibilities and challenges of mobility and mobile devices (PDA applications, system design) –Familiarize with different instrumentation, data transfer and real time operating systems –Design, control and protocol development of telecommunication systems and networks (wired and wireless)
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Doctoral Programs COMAS –Jyväskylä Graduate School in Computing and Mathematical Sciences –Five lines of education Information Systems Software and Computational Engineering Scientific Computing and Optimization Statistical Analysis and Computational Statistics Cognitive Science and Human Information Technology –provides Ph.D. students with funding and other support –Funded by Finnish Academy and by the university INFWEST.IT –Program for those studying while full-time employed outside university –Provides top-professor supervision and weekend seminars –Funded by European Structural Fund
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Research Areas of Department of Mathematical Information Technology Research is focused on various intelligent systems, mobile and broadband networks, analysis of large data-sets, computer vision and image analysis, machine learning applied in qualitative research, and natural language understanding. Main application areas are semantic web, software of embedded systems (e.g. mobile phones, robots), QoS in wireless and wired networks and mathematical modeling of metallurgy and chemical reactions. Modeling of the numerical methods forms a special area of education and research. Numerical methods are used eg. in software supporting systems, industrial design and process control, modeling of scientific phenomena and analysis of large data-sets.