Strategy / External Relations Anne Asserson Bologna, May 2011
Any valid user should be able from any location to access reseach information anywhere in Europe and wide whatever the structure and content of the source.
Identity euroCRIS is a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to the development of Research Information Systems and their interoperability. Mission euroCRIS is established to be the internationally recognized point of reference for all matters relating to CRIS: Current Research Information Systems. Key Objectives Achieving universal recognition for the necessity and utility of CRIS Achieving universal recognition of the desirability of interoperating CRIS, and interoperating CRIS with other relevant systems Achieving universal utilisation of (the evolving) CERIF standard for CRIS and for CRIS interoperation
Key issues of the euroCRIS strategic plan 1. Promotion of CERIF 2. Strategic partners 3. OA community to move from DC to CERIF 4. EU funded project to demonstrate capability
1.Promotion of CERIF Improvement of availability of research information CRIS populated and used by research-performing and research- funding institutions Inform and advocate use of CERIF- CRIS in government, institutions Government and Organisational mandates; management and workflow in organisation CRIS interoperating using CERIF (data exchange and distributed query) Mandate for interoperation CERIF as standard Overcoming any barriers to interoperation e.g. privacy legislation CRIS using native CERIFPersuasion by business advantages Institution ICT strategy CRIS integrated seamlessly as seen by end-user with repositories (publications, datasets/software) and other systems used in a research environment Institution ICT strategy
Improvement of accessibility of research information CERIF query language defined;euroCRIS responsibility; using / based on international standards Knowledge-assisted query improvement and answer explanation (semantic layer and crosswalks); Control of ontologies, authority CERIF-related services (services with CERIF as at least one of input or output); euroCRIS responsibility to specify, organisations to mandate use in ICT strategy Overcoming restrictive access (e.g. copyright)
Improvement of usability of research information CERIF-CRIS services for analysis, simulation, display; Business case for requirements CERIF-CRIS services for evaluationRelate to evaluation policies of governments and institutions CERIF-CRIS services for innovationPatent law, protection of IP CRIS integrated seamlessly with Web 2.0 (social networking) facilities: Blogs, Wikis (possibly Facebook, LinkedIn..), tele/videoconferencing, skype... Security, privacy
Improvement of sustainability of research information systems CERIF-CRIS with ‘easy start’ capability; Commercial vendors CERIF-CRIS with built-in provenance and digital preservation; Using OAIS Commercial vendors Business case to justify use, development and sustaining in each organisation
2. Strategic partners Strengthening relationships with strategic partners and increasing partnerships ALLEA, ESF, CODATA, JISC, ESF Possible new partners –LIBER –COAR has partnership arrangements
Participating at conferences to institutions/organisations where there are a strong intersection of interest and function. LIBER Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes des recherches (Association of European Research Libraries) conference with the theme “Getting Europe ready for 2020: the library's role in research, education and society” EUNIS conference in Irland EUNIS 2011 is the 17th Congress in a series of international conferences within the framework of the European University Information Systems organisationhttp:// CODATA conference at 2012.
Must not forget the Library Community, they are moving on…. OCLC has established a working group to Support reseach Dissimination ( Research Information Management (RIM) … helping scholars get the most out of new technologies that can enhance the quality of their work, and ….helping academic institutions with the assessment of their research output. …The objective of our efforts in this area is to reach a collective understanding of the responsibilities of, and opportunities for, libraries in a changed research environment.
3. OA community to move from DC to CERIF 2nd WORKSHOP ON CRIS, CERIF AND INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORIES Integrating Research Information: CRIS + OA Roma 23 May 2011
Rome declaration Rome Declaration At the second workshop on CRIS and OAR held in Rome May 2011 there was broad agreement on the need to converge the developments in CRIS and OAR for the benefit of the wider research community. We, representing the communities concerned with CRIS and OAR hereby declare: –We recognise that research information should be integrated seamlessly whether the primary source concerns management information or scholarly publications; –We resolve to develop an architecture and data model suitable for the purposes of the research community; –We resolve jointly to develop further and utilise the CERIF model since it is the EU recommendation to member states; –We resolve to develop appropriate services to act on the data model within the architecture.
Rome Declaration At the second workshop on CRIS and OAR held in Rome May 2011 there was broad agreement on the need to coordinate the developments in CRIS and OAR for the benefit of the wider research community. We, representing the communities concerned with CRIS and OAR hereby declare: That high quality research information is critically important to research institutions, funders, policymakers and society at large; that publicly-funded research information should be available, shareable and integrated seamlessly; therefore we commit: to develop an architecture (including data model and services) suitable to pursue these principles; jointly to adopt and develop applicable open standards; to advocate these principles among all stakeholders.
January 2011 submitted two project euroCRIS participation –VIREC led by University of Torino –POSE Project on Open Scholarship in Europe led by EOS /Alma Swan and euroCRIS Probably not –ENGAGE euroCRIS in 4. EU funded project to demonstrate capability