EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST EGEE tutorial introduction Roberto Barbera University of Catania and INFN SEE-GRID Tutorial, Istanbul,
SEE-GRID Tutorial, Istanbul, Goal of the tutorial Give an introduction on the current EGEE middleware and guidance on the use of the APIs for writing grid-enabled applications
SEE-GRID Tutorial, Istanbul, Agenda AGENDA
SEE-GRID Tutorial, Istanbul, Overview and technical details theoretical Each session includes a theoretical part on CLI and web portal usage in EGEE hands-on and it is followed by a hands-on part. Please, feel free to ask questions whenever you feel like Hands-on sessions will use the dissemination Grid: for more information, please refer to: You all have already a temporary GILDA certificate and an account on the GILDA User Interfaces (UI’s): Hosts: and/or User: User: istanbul01 – istanbul30 Password Password:GridIST01 – GridIST30 Certificate Pass Phrase: Certificate Pass Phrase: ISTANBUL List
SEE-GRID Tutorial, Istanbul, Few notes on GILDA Infrastructure ( UI - PKI X.509 certificate keys - JDL files Students Terminals enter Grid enter Grid enter Grid enter Grid UI WN RB/BDII CE SE GILDA RLS
SEE-GRID Tutorial, Istanbul, Bibliography General egee/LCG information EGEE Homepage EGEE’s NA3: User Training and Induction LCG Homepage LCG-2 User Guide GILDA GENIUS (GILDA web portal)
SEE-GRID Tutorial, Istanbul, Bibliography Information on Data Management middleware LCG-2 User Guide (chapters 3 rd and 6 th ) Evolution of LCG-2 Data Management. J-P Baud, James Casey. confId=0 Globus GridFTP
SEE-GRID Tutorial, Istanbul, Bibliography Information on egee/LCG tools and APIs Manpages (in UI) lcg_utils: lcg-* (commands), lcg_* (C functions) Header files (in $LCG_LOCATION/include ) lcg_util.h CVS developement (sources for commands) logsort=date&sortby=file&hideattic=1&cvsroot=lcgware&path logsort=date&sortby=file&hideattic=1&cvsroot=lcgware&path= Information on other tools and APIs EDG CLIs and APIs Globus