CTRF Leadership Meeting February 4, 2002 Institutional Partners
Develop Infrastructure and Intellectual Property that Enhances the Competitiveness of the Partners for Clinical and Extramural Funds
Evaluate gene expression (and genetic changes) in human brain, ovarian, breast and hematopoetic cancers Link gene expression (and genetic changes) to clinical findings and clinical laboratory findings (including histopathological diagnoses) in a common database Evaluate linked data using bioinformatics
CTRF CG Administrative Assistant (Jo Ann Breaux) will monitor VCU ledger 5 and cost share accounts. Plan is to create regular feedback to project PIs in future. Cost share expenditures not paid from cost share linked ledger 4 account must be documented using ‘In Kind/3rd Party Cost Share form’ obtained from Margie Booker’s office.
Due 12/31/01 Submitted 12/28/01 Sections –Purpose –Background –Research Plan Infrastructure Development –Progress Report –Specific Reportables CTRF
Benign Benign Benign (not growing) vs. Benign (not growing) Benign vs. Benign (growing) Cancer vs. Cancer (growing)
Figure 5: Example GeneChip Result (DNA Chip) Figure 6: Analysis: Total genes probed: ~12,500 Expressed: ~4,500 Not expressed: ~8,000
Figure 7: An example of a spotted DNA microarray with two- color detection of hybridization of probe (surface) with target (sample). The two sectors of 16 x 20 elements is shown following hybridization with two differentially labeled cDNA preparations, Cy3 (pseudocolored green) and Cy5 (pseudocolored red). The overlaying of the green and red images produces the image shown. The hue of each spot, ranging from green to red, indicates the relative expression level for the gene specific for each spot. (Image courtesy Packard Biochip Technologies).
Figure 9: Over two fold increase in gene expression Figure 8: H4IIE cells exposed to 10 g/ml JP8 Jet fuel over 2 hours.
Establish Focus Groups to address each of the basic tasks. Each Focus Group to consist of professionals associated with the CTRF Project with special expertise or knowledge in one or more areas required to address basic tasks. Structure work within Focus Groups to deal with interrelatedness of basic tasks.
Tissue Bank Clinical and Pathology Laboratory Data Database Design Data Analysis Quality Assurance in Microarray Analysis (Chip Fabrication - proposed)
Tissue Acquisition System (TAS) Protocol Completed Submitted to MCC Protocol Review & Monitoring Comm Contents – Tissue Handling residual sample obtained after pathology review – IC - Obtain prior to & following surgery – Primary Data Collection First Tissue Bank Staff member hired.
Establish standing weekly or biweekly meeting dates and times
CG-TISBK: Tissue Bank CG-CLNDT: Clinical and Pathology Data CG-DBDSN: Database Design CG-ANLDT: Analyze Data (Data Analysis) CG-QAQC: QAQC CG-LDRPI: Focus Group Leaders and PIs CG-MEMBS: All Members
Address messages to: Unsubscribe to the listserv by submitting a message with the words SIGNOFF listname to: Subscribe to the listserv by asking the PI with whom you work to submit your name and E- mail address to the Program Director (C.Garrett) USE the listserv(s) to inform members of your activity or to seek advice from the members.
Intellectual property reporting - licenses, patents, etc Publications New applications identified - CTRF Administrative office will search for new funding opportunities (SPIN) will collect CVs, other support, facilities, interest documents goal million in d.c. from CTRF CG Project Any other discoveries Federal money leveraged Private research money leveraged Advancement of technology and economic development in VA
Old Business New Business
Monday March 4, :30 am