Semantic Web 2 06 T 0006 Yoshiyuki Osawa
Aim of Semantic Web Information which users needs is collected by using a computer. Information on the web is used effectively. Using metadata
Problem for achievement of Semantic Web It is difficult for a lot of people to understand the specification of RDF. Users must describe suitable meta data. → Automation by a computer
Clue of problem solving CMS (Content Management System ) →System which manages contents of web site with database.
CMS (Content Management System) Contents(text, picture, …) and Design(layout) are separated. Addition and deletion of pages → Setting of hyperlink Updated information
Phase of development of Semantic Web Phase1. Processing based on meta data. Phase2. Meaning processing that uses ontology. Phase3. Automatic processing by intelligent agent.
RSS RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 / RSS 1.0) Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91) Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0) Updated information of a lot of web sites can be checked efficiently.
FOAF (Friend Of A Friend) It is a means to introduce oneself (name, mail address, and friend, etc.) by using XML and RDF. Relation to others on the network can be expressed. Connection of a user and other users
Application of Semantic Web Fujitsu Laboratories ltd. Social network construction system 「 KnowWho 」 System that can immediately derive interpersonal relationship concerning a certain research