Inova Consultancy Celebrating Diversity Marina Larios Director
Inova Consultancy Celebrating diversity Inova provides consultancy services to organisations and individuals on an international level in the area of diversity and equal opportunities.
WiTEC European Association Secretariat in Austria Set up in 1988 – 20 years! 11 EU National Co-ordinators More than 2000 women supported
Services Organisational Development & career coaching Mentoring programmes for women (entrepreneurship and women returners) Research and evaluation Project Management Bid Writing Policy development- gender & diversity
International Assignments UK representative at the United Nations- Expert Meeting on Trade and Development Panel Member, Women in Engineering Expert Panel, Unesco, Paris Co-chair for Europe for the World Federation of Engineering Organizations in Tunisia Guest Speaker at the Gender, ICT and Education: Removing Old Barriers with New Technologies conference, United Nations, New York.
Iceberg- Transformational Change Self esteem Ways we see life Confidence Self-efficacy
Mentoring Interventions Mentoring Circles One to one Peer mentoring Target audiences: female entrepreneurs, asylum seekers, unemployed; returners, women in SET, girls and young women
Examples of projects Programmes for long term unemployed and migrant workers Mentoring programmes for female entrepreneurs & Mentoring Circles TM Change management programme in a UK university to increase the representation of women in SET Research - looking at web 2.o to develop programmes to promote EO
Geographical Spread UK (focus on regional & local) Europe Mexico Ghana USA New: Orbita
New programmes Accreditation for Mentors & Coaches New tools: personality profiling; solution focused coaching, psychometric testing Intercultural skills Integration Mentor Training: Action Learning Using new technologies eg.web 2.0