D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Project Progress between review meeting #2 and #3 Peik Jenssen Copenhagen 25 May 2000
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress Overall status per May 2000: Cost statements for year one accepted with comments by CEC Deliverables due this period were: ä T3.2D1 Prototype code for integration tool (month 11) ä T4.1D1 Validation of prototype (month 15) ä T3.1D2 Final specification of software and interfaces (month 15) T3.2D1 demonstrated for project team PSG members in month 13 T4.1D1 and T3.1D2 will be delivered next month
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress WP 1: Analysis and modelling of agile maritime enterprises (GL) T1.1: Analysis and modelling of business processes Scenario specification and process model finished for both scenarios Data exchange events identified in both scenarios Ongoing work concerning the process description of the P&I Club
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T 1.2: Analysis and modelling of business information objects and product data Completion, harmonisation and refinement of data models New structure of AP234 Introduced BB Other MARVIN BB’s renamed and re-structured Syntax refinement of the EXPRESS and EXPRESS-G models Creation of EXPRESS long form of the models to be used in first prototype and interface implementation
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T1.3: Virtual enterprise architecture Feedback from Task 3.1 and 2.3 incorporated in T1.3D2 Refinements in the Design of the Virtual Enterprise Architecture, especially concerning the interface specification
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T1.4: Legal framework of virtual organisations Review of security issues: Confidentiality, encryption and digital signature Review of contractual issues: choice of law, liability, etc. Study of use of tool for special maritime contracts
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress WP 2: Interfacing of business processes with web (LMS) T2.1: Contribution to emerging standards New structure of AP234 Ship_Operational _logs is now formally a Building Block Further improvements in models of AP215 and AP234 Further validation of existing BBs of the ship product model, especially AP215 and AP234
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T2.2: Prototyping of interface modules Information for Data Exchange in Emergency Response Scenario gathered for: ä Express Data Models ä Virtual Enterprise Architecture Concept Information gathered for the legacy systems to be interfaced Development of the interface software
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T2.3: Development of interfaces Analysis of the need for data exchange both scenarios Identification of Express Data Models Information gathered on integration of interfaces into Virtual Enterprise Architecture Information gathered for the legacy systems to be interfaced
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress WP 3: Development of MEIT (IWi) T3.1: Specification of tool and interfaces Functionality of MEIT and interfaces determined and described for final release (preliminary) Architecture of MEIT and agent architecture described for final release
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T3.2: Prototyping of integrating tool Debugging of major parts performed
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T3.3: Development of integration tool Developed agents and user interfaces for ä ship crew ä ERC ä ship owner Design and construction of database for ä ship crew ä ERC ä ship owner Re-design of communication layer Generator of intermediate file for interfaces
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress WP 4: Validation of software tools (Neorion) T4.1: Validation of prototypes Collected user requirements Described the validation methodology Created validation report forms Collected data for validation
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress WP 5: Project management, public demonstrations and exploitation of results (DNV) T5.1: Local project management Co-ordination at site and nationally Quality audit at partner sites in progress
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T5.2: Global Project management Meetings ä WP meeting #5 in Patras on /19 (LMS) ä WP meeting #6 in Oslo on /7 (IRI) ä PSG meeting #2 Patras on ä PSG meeting #3 in Oslo on ä Telephone conferences normally every second week (12 in total) Continuous follow-up of actions Most important quality improvement items identified
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T5.3: Public demonstrations First public demonstration of prototype planned at Ship Repair and Conversion November
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T5.4: Preparation of dissemination and exploitation of results Papers presented: ä Software 2000, Oslo (Norway) ä COMPIT, Potsdam (Germany) ä PDT Europe 2000, Noordwijk (The Netherlands) Papers accepted: ä E-business and e-work, Madrid (Spain) /20 ä MITIP 2000, Plsen, (Czech Republic) /06 ä SMM, Hamburg (Germany),
D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS DNV - 01/06/ Progress T5.4: Preparation of dissemination and exploitation of results Exploitation: ä Established contact with 3 Norwegian ship owners ä Developed the Exploitation plan further ä Considered MARVIN results in business development in DNV and GL ä Plan to carry out market research this year