FIRE FIT CONFERENCE 2006 Peter Brown Director of HSE Public Services Programme
Managing Attendance – the HSE perspective The Wider Problem Ministerial Task Force HSE and the MTF Health, Work and Wellbeing Strategy MTF and the F&RS Other HSE work with the F&RS
Ministerial Task Force on Health Safety and Productivity Aims to improve sickness absence management across the public sector Is in line with Chancellor of the Exchequer’s drive for improving public sector efficiency DCLG promotes and reports on progress in the F&RS
Ministerial Task Force Recommendations Better gathering and use of data Better absence management systems, and better training and support for managers Top level management commitment
RHS TARGETS FOR % reduction in days lost through work- related ill health & accidents (MTF) 10% reduction in fatal and major accidents 20% reduction in incidence of work-related ill health
Sickness absence
Fire and Rescue National Framework Little movement in overall sickness absence rates Targets were set for 2005 but …… ‘Unless there is significant improvement it seems unlikely that the service will have met the targets set for 2005’
In line with MTF, the National Framework states that… Fire & Rescue Authorities should - Introduce effective absence management processes to facilitate reduction of government sickness absence targets & ill health retirements. Ensure occupational health arrangements (and occ health advice) are efficient and effective.
FIT FOR DUTY & SICKNESS ABSENCE Policies & Procedures Targets & performance Line Managers’ responsibilities
FIT FOR DUTY & SICKNESS ABSENCE Management Information Roles of OH and HR departments Staff deployment
HSE / DCLG Research Project – 06/07 ’Enhancing sickness absence management in the fire and rescue service’ Sickness absence data collection Use of real time information by managers Staff training in sickness absence procedures Promotion of early return to work Use of occupational health services
The Project in practice… Internal research by HSE/DCLG on FRA sickness absence data Visits to selected FRS by external researchers (contract) Discussions with selected individuals within FRS. Eg. Occupational health and/or HR. Recognises that FRS’s are already doing work on sickness absence Will commence in Autumn 2006
FRS main injuries / ill health reports MSD - MSD – 04/05 Riddor – 621reported - CFOA working group - Are your policies & risk assessments being implemented? (including non operational staff)
FRS main injuries / ill health reports SLIPS AND TRIPS - More to be done to ascertain causes. - Can more be done in offices / fire stations?
HSE stress management standards Demands Control Support Relationships Role Change
Further information… HSE web site ( HSE Infoline ( ) HSE publications ( ) Contact local HSE office