Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Grid Computing Now! Making the Case for Grid Computing Ian Osborne Project Director Intellect, London
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Agenda Introduction The UK Government Technology Strategy Knowledge Transfer Networks (KTN)Knowledge Transfer Networks (KTN) The Grid Computing Now! KTN VisionVision EventsEvents Case StudiesCase StudiesSummaryQuestions
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ UK Government Technology Strategy Development of applications: “innovation platforms” The integration of a range of technologies, to meet defined societal need Combined with better co-ordination of policy and procurement instruments to deliver a step change in UK performance Collaborative R&D Projects Themed investments in key applied technology areas Collaboration between academia and industry Exploitation of key technologies: “knowledge transfer networks” (KTNs) To underpin the high value added areas of the UK Economy To generate new streams of economic activity in their own right
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Technology Strategy Board Plan Developing overall strategy for launch May 8th Priorities and Key Technology Areas for investment Use this strategy as the foundation for portfolio Innovation Platforms – Societal Challenge (£10M/3yrs) Collaborative R&D Knowledge Transfer Networks (£3M/3yrs) Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Sainsbury Review indicates a substantial increase in budget (£1Bn in Spending Review) Closer engagement with RDA/DA, Research Councils
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ KTN Goals (October 2006) deliver improved industrial performance through innovation and new collaborations by driving the flow of people, knowledge and experience between business and the science-base, between businesses and across sectors drive knowledge transfer between the supply and demand sides of technology-enabled markets through a high quality, easy to use service facilitate innovation and knowledge transfer by providing UK businesses with the opportunity to meet and network with individuals and organisations, in the UK and internationally provide a forum for a coherent business voice to inform government of its technology needs and about issues, such as regulation, which are enhancing or inhibiting innovation in the UK
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ How are KTNs measured? 1.the first metric has to be your “market share” of the relevant community - the number of companies on your membership list. 2.Since interaction is necessary for knowledge transfer the number of opportunities given for interaction: I.e. “Meetings” with a “quality” measure of the number of “new” participants. 3.You need to drive to grow your communities the third metric is an intermediate measure of the formation of new partnerships and collaborations, the number of people from the science base joining the community (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, CASE Awards, secondment, etc.), your contribution to Government consultations, joint publications and so on. 4.the final metric is concerned with the formation and growth of new partnerships within the community as measured by how much money you get in from the UK, Europe and Private Finance
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Agenda
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Why Grid Computing? What is Grid Computing and the capabilities it holds for business? –Grid computing harnesses the massive processing power made possible by distributed computing and applies it to business problems. –It does this through virtualising computers, storage and networking resources such that a grid appears as one large computer. –A grid computing infrastructure is capable of managing large peaks of work; managing large amounts of processing and automatically adjusting capacity to meet workload. –When this infrastructure is combined with business systems that allow users to describe their processes to deliver services, substantial benefits can be obtained. What benefits does Grid Computing bring to users? Large-scale Capacity Large-scale Capacity Increased Scalability Increased Scalability Flexibility Flexibility Agility Agility Improved Utilisation Improved Utilisation Reduced Complexity Reduced Complexity Improved Return on Assets Improved Return on Assets
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Grid & Related Paradigms Distributed Computing Loosely coupled Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Loosely coupled Heterogeneous Cluster Tightly coupled Homogeneous Cluster Tightly coupled Homogeneous Grid Computing Enabled by distributed computing Heterogeneous and cross- organizational Grid Computing Enabled by distributed computing Heterogeneous and cross- organizational Utility Computing Enabled by grid and distributed computing technology Public or private computing “services” Utility Computing Enabled by grid and distributed computing technology Public or private computing “services”
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Where are we heading? Old WorldNew World Static Silo Physical Manual Application Dynamic Shared Virtual Automated Service
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ About Grid Computing Now! A Knowledge Transfer Network project funded by the DTI Technology Programme aimed at transferring knowledge about Grid Computing Technologies to Public and Private Sector Users in the UK. Partnership between Intellect, the UK Hi-Tech Trade Association; National e-Science Centre, a world leader in Grid Computing research; and CNR Ltd, a consultancy focused on SME organisations and business intermediaries. Substantial number of industrial, business user and academic partners
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Grid Computing Now! 1.0 Objectives 1.Establish wide understanding of the potential of Grid Computing particularly among the IT user community 2.Accelerate the recognition of requirements and issues for Grid Computing 3.Prepare the UK ICT industry, users and government for Grid Computing 4.Follow through the e-Science Core Programme vision in which demanding scientific research stimulates significant advances in Grid technology which are then transferred to UK industry, healthcare and government. The KTN will engage: IT and business leaders, policy makers in central government, regional government, regional development agencies and the devolved administrations, specialist grid suppliers and service providers, e-Science researchers, consultants and business intermediaries to promote grid computing as a foundation for secure, dynamic, virtual organisations to obtain competitive advantage.
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Grid Computing Now! Activities to date… The Team Web-site development Technical Events Educate; Recruit; Engage Case Studies Real Users and real solutions Media Programme Inform and Influence Leverage Collaborative projects Sector Agenda Champion Grid Computing in key industries Aim to create pilot projects Some Key Facts: 4 yr, £1.5M/$2.9M Funding Leading suppliers engaged Website live August 2005 >1000 network members 70% Business #7 Google “Grid Computing” >1000 visitors/month Average visit duration >8mins 39 Case Studies 18 Invited Industry Talks/Papers >70 Target Media Articles
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ GCN! Events Technology basics –SOA –Virtualisation Webinars –Grid markets –Next generation IT architecture –Inter-enterprise collaboration –Distributed systems in e-Health –Virtualisation and SOA –Semantic Web –Green IT –Software Licensing Conferences –GridWorld 2006 Workshop –Grids Mean 20 –UK e-Science All Hands Meeting Focused workshops –Virtual Organisation Mgmt –Collaborative R&D Projects –EC Research Awareness –Intelligent Transport Systems –Modelling & Simulation
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Grids Mean Business at OGF 20 – The Wrap! Conference Highlights Citibank; Credit Suisse; eBay Security Session 7 sessions Opening Session (eBay) attracted over 100 participants Software Licensing and Security Sessions totalled over 100 participants What did you like best about GMB? “Industry representatives talking about Grid adoption and people talking about the challenges faced with getting Industry to adopt Grid technologies. Case studies are very valuable in this type of situation.” Summary of PR activity Targets: 5-7 pieces of secured coverage Results: 7 pieces of coverage including Op-Ed Pieces
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Webinars – leaving a trail …
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Webinar Statistics
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Case Studies are a key influencer
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Suppliers the critical resource
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Grid Computing Now! Phase 2 Priorities 1.Green IT a.Government Computing; Intellect Public Sector Council initiative b.Create an industry “stir” c.Create some showcase examples 2.Software Licensing a.Engage FAST; Software Publishers and Auditors b.Identify a vehicle to facilitate change (major user/supplier forum) 3.“Application” Projects a.Intelligent Transport Systems Data Integration b.Transport for London Interchange Project c.Financial Services Grid API 4.Establish user communities (technical/leader) 5.Build a virtual consulting team/process 6.SMB Outreach a.Active engagement with RDA/DA b.Active engagement with FCO SIN/UK TI/Collaborative R&D Project 7.Competition
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ GCN! KTN Organisation Grid Computing Now! Project Board Tom Wills-Sandford,Intellect (C) Ian Osborne, Intellect Dick Willis, CNR Dave Berry, NeSC Tara Kelly, Intellect (Secretary) Project Director Ian Osborne Grid Computing Now! Advisory Council Dave Pearson, Oracle (Chair) John Barr,The 451 Group (Vice) Web site admin Charlotte Ward Project Lead Dick Willis Technical Lead Dave Berry Journalist Gillian Law(LOA) PR & Marketing Tara Kelly Technology Strategy Board Zoë Lock Grid Computing Now! Project Consultants (Part-time) Dave Berry, NeSC Liam Newcombe, Romonet Gabriel Sallah, ex BarCap David Wallom. OERC
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Summary The UK Government has invested heavily in Grid Computing through the eScience programme The Grid Computing Now! KTN is intended to capitalise on this investment and the developments in the market We will be measured as successful if we can point to changes taking place in practice - Adoption of grid computing technologies - Large network of industrial suppliers/users - Inputs towards future government investments - Productivity/Business Improvements underway
Accelerating business innovation; a Technology Strategy Board programme 08/05/ Thank you! Questions?