Turn Stress into Success Derrick Doige, M.Ed. CCC Okanagan College
How Stressed Are You?
What stressors do College students face?
What is Stress? Current research findings suggest that the stress response is triggered not so much by the demands people face, but by their belief that they will not be able to handle those demands as well as they would like to.
How do You Handle Stress?
Is all Stress Bad for You?
Not All Stress is Bad! Just Imagine if..
3 Questions What are some of the signs of Stress Overload? What are the consequences of Stress Overload? How can you turn Stress into Success?
Signs of Stress Overload A lack of spontaneity, happiness, or enthusiasm An intolerance of people and irritability Difficulty in concentrating or making decisions Increased use of alcohol or drugs Restlessness or difficulty being alone A loss of efficiency A preoccupation with certain thoughts Frequent physical illnesses Persistent nightmares Withdrawal from friends and social situations
Consequences of Stress Overload Doctors believe that up to 80% of their patients problems are either caused by stress or made worse by stress. Headaches/migraines Depression High blood pressure IBS Heart disease
Turn Stress into Success! Relaxation Exercise Sleep Eat regularly and nutritiously Time Management Support Network Set realistic goals Worry it to death! Defeat the “Itty Bitty Shitty Committee” Listen to your body (Stickers)
Defeat “Itty Bitty Shitty Committee” Notice how often it happens Stop and ask questions: Is that a realistic thought? (10 cognitive distortions) Are there any other alternatives? Am I catastrophizing or only focusing on the negative? What would my best friend say? Counter with a positive, believable, and supportive statement.
The Stress Manager Grid I Can’t ControlI Can Control Unim- portant to me Impor- tant to me Impor- tant to me Unim- portant to me I Can’t ControlI Can Control
Why Worry? Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere” – Dorothy Galyean Grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change; the COURAGE to change the things I can; and the WISDOM to know the difference