Anticyclones are areas of high pressure that are sinking instead if rising like a cyclone. Anticyclones do not contain condensation and they bring good bright weather without clouds also when the anticyclone warms up moisture evaporates making the area dry In Summer but in Winter the weather is cold and dry in an anticyclone because the warm air escapes as there are no clouds to trap the heat. Air descends and warms slowly Moisture evaporates causing hot and dry weather.
Since anticyclones bring good dry weather in summer droughts happen killing crops and causing famine another social impact is the hot dry weather causes is medical problems as the heat can cause strokes. A economic impact that cyclones cause is a loss of money from crops dieing but for the tourist industry there is an increase in profits and the economy is helped. An environmental impact is that there are forest fires from the dry ground and plants die also animals could die from dehydration.
The case study for Anticyclones is August 2003 in Paris where a anticyclone brought a major drought causing the French government to create a ration on water like emplacing hosepipe bans because of shortages and making them buy water from Kielder in Britain this was the economic impact, the social impact of this anticyclone was 50 of the old people in Paris died of dehydration and heat stroke and people had to pay more for water and had to use less water for leisure. The environment was effected as farms around Paris had to not use enough water for the irrigation so a lot of crops dried up and farmers lost money. This story went world wide and was blamed on an increase in global warming or “freak weather.”