from the observations Andrea A. Lunsford
CategoryStanford Class of 2005 Study of Writing Participants Total Number1, Male50.1%47.5% Female49.9%52.5% States Represented4933 Most Represented StateCalifornia, 44%California, 43% Countries Represented3818 HS GPA %97% SAT Verbal over 70067%74% SAT Math over 70071%76% Demographic Information
Category Stanford Class of 2005 Study of Writing Participants White/Caucasian43.6%42.3% African American10.3%6.9% Asian American24%21.2% International5% 6% Mexican American10%4.2% Asian East Indian Data not collected 4.8% Native American1.9% Other Hispanic1.8%1.6% Other Data not collected 2.1% Multiple Ethnicity Data not collected 14.3% Unidentified3.4%2.6% Demographic Information
Student Majors
15,000 pieces from all disciplines; both class and extracurricular writing Annual survey questionnaires Annual interviews with members of subgroup Data Sources
Kinds of Writing: Years 1 and 4
Kinds of Writing Most Done: Year 5
Number of Pages: Year 1
Average Amount of Writing in Disciplines
Visual Elements in Writing
Multimedia Elements in Writing
Average Confidence in Writing
Average Confidence in Writing: Fifth Year
Where are they now?
How they defined good writing: “Good writing is writing that makes something happen in the world.”
Amrit Rao
CD Project
Anna Mumford
Website for SLAC
SLAC Flyer
“This is amazingly unbelievable”
Newsletter for SLAC
Writing as Performing
Other Performances
Other Performances