Web 2.0: The New Internet Thing Ankit Jain Head WMG, DCETECH.COM 4th Year, Comp Engg
Internet - WWW Inter-network and World Wide Web Provides services like email, chat, info sharing, social networking, games, remote access, virtual classrooms etc Interlinked hypertext documents accessed using HTTP Protocol Client - Server architecture
Why Internet? Use of internet Email Social Networking, Chat Information sharing Getting updates – News around the world Entertainment – Games, Videos and Music Virtual classrooms Remote Access Online Jobs
How do Websites work? What happens when you type the following in the Web Browser: http://www.dcetech.com/index.htm
How do Websites work? http://www.dcetech.com/index.htm Lets Break it!! HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol Determines how to send and receive request using browser Default port 80 Send and receive Hypertext data
How do Websites work? http://www.dcetech.com/index.htm COM, BIZ, EDU, GOV, NET, etc Top Level Domain (TLD) Determines where to find the location of Server Name Servers locations are stored in Registry Verisign Global Registry Services for .com and .net; Public Interest Registry for .org; EDUCAUSE for .edu
How do Websites work? http://www.dcetech.com/index.htm Second Level Domains Have to be registered at some Domain Registrar Registrars are managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigning Names and Numbers) Every name in a TLD must be unique, but there can be duplication across different TLDs
How do Websites work? http://www.dcetech.com/index.htm WWW Third Level Domain These are the third level domains like mail.dcetech.com, alumni.dcetech.com, etc This is not necessarily required, these are managed by different DNS There can be upto 127 levels of domain but are generally restricted to 3 or 4 levels
How do Websites work? http://www.dcetech.com/index.htm INDEX.HTM This denotes a file name “index.htm” existing at the web server It has nothing to do with DNS, this part is solely managed by the web server If the file doesn’t exist the appropriate action is taken by the web server If it exist then it is returned to the client who requested it
Why Websites? Offline Apps vs. Online Apps No need to install Just login and use Available from anywhere where Internet connection is available Operating system independent No piracy issues
Why Websites? Offline Apps vs. Online Apps Ease of use Generally have more features Easier to develop but difficult to update
Web Technologies Web standards are maintained by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Technologies are responsible for the Web Applications you see today Key to develop web applications Include all scripting languages and tools
List of Web Technologies Client Side Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript XHTML, DHTML, WML, AJAX FLASH Server Side Technologies ASP, PHP, Perl, JSP ASP.NET MySQL, SQL Server, Access
List of Web Technologies Some More Advanced Technologies XML, XSLT, RSS, Atom X-Path, XQuery, WSDL XML-DOM, RDF Ruby on Rails, GRAIL Framework REST, SOAP
How to choose a technology? Depends on: What is the type of content? Application of technology Who will modify your content? What are your Future Plans? Compatibility and Availability of technology Your previous experience Portability and Data sharing
WEB 2.0
Defining Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is the network as platform delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others creating network effects through an "architecture of participation," and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences.
Web 2.0: Evolution Towards a Read/Write Platform
Web 2.0 is about The Social Web “Web 2.0 Is Much More About A Change In People and Society Than Technology” -Dion Hinchcliffe, tech blogger 1 billion people connect to the Internet 100 million web sites over a third of adults in US have contributed content to the public Internet. - 18% of adults over 65
AJAX Asynchronous Javascript and XML XMLHTTPRequest Backbone of Web 2.0 Mixture of Client Side and Server side scripting Key player in developing rich internet applications (RIAs) Enhances user experience – Dynamic user interfaces Reduces page reloads
How to… AJAX? function GetXmlHttpObject() { var objXMLHttp=null if (window.XMLHttpRequest) objXMLHttp=new XMLHttpRequest() } else if (window.ActiveXObject) objXMLHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") return objXMLHttp
How to… AJAX? var xmlHttp; function GetAJAX() { var url=“try.php"; xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateAJAX xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true); xmlHttp.send(null); } //works on state change of above function function stateAJAX() if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") alert(xmlHttp.responseText);
Web Services Publish Data Not Pages “Mashups” Remember: its your data that they want, not your user interface RSS feeds are web services, too “Mashups” Remix Data to Create New Applications 184 Web services listed on ProgrammableWeb.com Photo sharing; calendars; messaging; blogging File storage; ecommerce; advertising; search
Some common Web2.0 Examples
Del.icio.us – Content tagging site Tags: Descriptive words applied by users to links. Tags are searchable My Tags: Words I’ve used to describe links in a way that makes sense to me
Wikipedia – Collaborative dictionary
Blogger – Collection of users data (Blogs)
PXN8 – Online Photo Editor
Social networking
Google maps
Flickr – social network for photo sharing My contacts “tags” are available to me Flickr shows me photos from my network
Some working with Flickr
Yahoo Maps
Yahoo Maps
Summing up Web 2.0 hard to define, but very far from just hype Culmination of a number of web trends Importance of Open Data Allows communities to assemble unique tailored applications Importance of Users Seek and create network effects Browser as Application Platform Huge potential for new kinds of web applications
XAMPP: http://www.apachefriends.org FOR TUTORIALS: http://www.w3schools.com CONTACT ME: ankit.dce@gmail.com