1 Enhancing the Links Seminar Today’s Presenters are Charles Mille Charles Mille Sydney Manager, AusNAC CVGT Australian Apprenticeship Centre __________________________________________ Dannielle Hare Dannielle Hare Client Services Manager, Client Services Manager, AusNAC MG My Gateway Australian Apprenticeship Centre
2 AusNAC CVGT Australian Apprenticeship Centre Australian Apprenticeships as an employment option
3 Who is AusNAC ? AusNAC is a consortium made up of four AAC’s (Australian Apprenticeship Centres)AusNAC is a consortium made up of four AAC’s (Australian Apprenticeship Centres) Servicing the Greater Sydney area providing Australian Apprenticeship Support Services to the community.Servicing the Greater Sydney area providing Australian Apprenticeship Support Services to the community. & are part of the AusNAC consortium & are part of the AusNAC consortium Over 100 staff in SydneyOver 100 staff in Sydney In 10 office locations across NSWIn 10 office locations across NSW
4 Our Services Include: providing information on Australian Apprenticeships options to employers and other interested people options to employers and other interested people marketing and promoting Australian Apprenticeships marketing and promoting Australian Apprenticeships in the local area in the local area assist employers to complete all Australian assist employers to complete all Australian apprenticeship documentation apprenticeship documentation process & administering all Australian Government process & administering all Australian Government paperwork and administer incentive payments to paperwork and administer incentive payments to employers employers
5 Our Services Include: Establishing effective relationships with Australian Government contracted Job Services members, training providers, schools & other organisationsEstablishing effective relationships with Australian Government contracted Job Services members, training providers, schools & other organisations Provide support during the training period to employersProvide support during the training period to employers Australian Apprenticeship Centres adhere to a Code ofAustralian Apprenticeship Centres adhere to a Code of Conduct ensuring quality service across the network of members.
6 What is an Australian Apprenticeship? Employment based trainingEmployment based training An Australian Apprenticeship can be a traditional apprenticeship or a traineeshipAn Australian Apprenticeship can be a traditional apprenticeship or a traineeship Qualifications range from Certificate level 2 to 4, Diploma & Advanced DiplomaQualifications range from Certificate level 2 to 4, Diploma & Advanced Diploma There are over 500 nationally recognised Australian Apprenticeships available in Australia across many different vocationsThere are over 500 nationally recognised Australian Apprenticeships available in Australia across many different vocations Competency based trainingCompetency based training Contracted relationship between Australian Apprentice and employerContracted relationship between Australian Apprentice and employer Can be part time or full timeCan be part time or full time Can be part time or fulltime
7 Eligibility to be an Australian Apprentice The employee must be: The employee must be: an Australian citizen and permanent residentan Australian citizen and permanent resident New Zealand passport holder who has been resident in Australia for 6 months or moreNew Zealand passport holder who has been resident in Australia for 6 months or more a foreign national with Trade Skills Training Visa 471
8 Employer Responsibilities Pay wages and entitlements specified in the relevant Industry Award or employment agreementPay wages and entitlements specified in the relevant Industry Award or employment agreement Provide a minimum amount of hours per week depending on part time or fulltime status Provide a minimum amount of hours per week depending on part time or fulltime status Provide facilities and the range of work suitable to the training program Provide facilities and the range of work suitable to the training program
9 Employer Responsibilities Continue to pay wages while the Australian Apprentice is attending off-the-job trainingContinue to pay wages while the Australian Apprentice is attending off-the-job training Provide suitable supervision within the workplace Provide suitable supervision within the workplace Provide reasonable assistance in the workplace to ensure completion Provide reasonable assistance in the workplace to ensure completion Advise AusNAC if the following occurs; Advise AusNAC if the following occurs; Employee resigns or wishes to cancel the Australian ApprenticeshipEmployee resigns or wishes to cancel the Australian Apprenticeship Sale of businessSale of business The Australian Apprentice is failing to make reasonable progressThe Australian Apprentice is failing to make reasonable progress Extend the term of the trainingExtend the term of the training
10 Australian Apprentice Responsibilities Attend and perform work in a professional and courteous manner in accordance with the employers requirementsAttend and perform work in a professional and courteous manner in accordance with the employers requirements Take care of workplace property and resources Take care of workplace property and resources Respect the rights or other employees in the workplace Respect the rights or other employees in the workplace
11 Australian Apprentice Responsibilities Maintain employer confidentialityMaintain employer confidentiality Make reasonable efforts to achieve the competencies specified in the training planMake reasonable efforts to achieve the competencies specified in the training plan Maintain a record of training such as the training record book Maintain a record of training such as the training record book
12 Minimum hours 15 hours per week (including structured Training) in ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, VIC15 hours per week (including structured Training) in ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, VIC 20 hours per week (including structured Training) in TAS & WA20 hours per week (including structured Training) in TAS & WA Australian School-based Apprenticeships (SBAT). Australian School-based Apprenticeships (SBAT).
13 What Incentives are available? IncentiveCertificate II $ Certificate III or IV $ Commencement1,2501,500 Recommencement for employers who recommence an out-of-trade Certificate III or IV Australian Apprentice nil750 Special Rural and Regional commencement for employers of a Certificate III or IV Australian Apprentice in an occupation or trade identified as a skill shortage in a non-metropolitan area nil1,000 Completionnil2,500 Additional commencement incentive for Australian School-based Apprenticeships 750
14 IncentiveCertificate II $ Certificate III or IV $ Special Retention incentive for Australian School-based Apprenticeships 750 Special Innovation Australian Apprenticeships incentive nil1,100 Additional Incentive for Exceptional Circumstances ‘Declared Drought area’ Certificate Commencement Completion 1,500 nil Special Incentive for Mature Aged Workers Commencement Completion 750 Assistance for Australian Apprentice with Disability; a)Assistance for tutorial, Mentor and Interpreter services b)Disables Australian Apprentice Wage Support Part time: proportion of the full time rate a) $38.50 per hour (up to $5,500 per year for tutorial and/or $5,500 per year mentor/Interpreter) b) $ per week Living Away From Home AllowancePayable at $77.17 p.w. for 1 st Year; $38.59 for 2 nd Year; $25.00 for 3 rd Year
15 IncentiveCertificate II $ Certificate III or IV $ Commonwealth Trade Learning Scholarship (traditional trades only) First year Second year nil$500 1st year $500 2nd year Support for Mid Career Apprentices (traditional trades only) 1 st year fulltime 2 nd year fulltime nil$150 per week 1 st year $100 per week 2 nd year Apprenticeship Wage Top-Up (traditional trades only) 6 months: 12 months: 18 months: 24 months: Part time: payments at the 12, 24, 36 and 48 month points nil $500
16 Key Diversity Groups DAAWS – Disability Australian Apprentice Wage SupportDAAWS – Disability Australian Apprentice Wage Support AAC’s each have a number of KPI’s to attain over the period of each contractAAC’s each have a number of KPI’s to attain over the period of each contract (Round 5 commences 1 st July 2009 – 30 th Sept 2011) (Round 5 commences 1 st July 2009 – 30 th Sept 2011) People with a Disability is one of those KPI’sPeople with a Disability is one of those KPI’s
17 Rewards & Recognition Employers & support organisations that know an Australian apprentice with a disability are encouraged to nominate them for recognition within the AAC program in one of the following:Employers & support organisations that know an Australian apprentice with a disability are encouraged to nominate them for recognition within the AAC program in one of the following: - State Training Services Regional Training Awards (9 regions in NSW) >>> NSW Training Awards >>> Australian Training Awards - State Training Services Regional Training Awards (9 regions in NSW) >>> NSW Training Awards >>> Australian Training Awards -Ministers Awards for Excellence (Federal)
18 AusNAC CVGT Australian Apprenticeship Centre Your Apprentice. Our Business. Australia’s Future. THANK YOU