– Suomen datakatalogi T SW development project
SOMUS invites you to join us… in our fantastic journey to demonstrate the power of open data in eGovernment
Background Somus - “Social media for citizens and public sector collaboration” - is a research project funded by Suomen Akatemia Somus researches citizenship, publicity and participation in decision-making in social media era Openness is one key element of our vision There is belief and support for openness in Finnish IT governance and ministries… …but a good Finnish reference implementation in openness is missing! (international ones exist:, Together with, the goal is to build such a service a social front-end to the official data catalog The goal is to create a service for "mediating" the public data opening up process and usage – especially between developers, analysts and public institutions. – finding, contacting, lobbying, improvement suggestions Developer friendly website for data sharing & collaboration – ”By the open data community, for the open data community” Concrete deliverables may also include e.g. – dialogue (discussions) tools – developer tools – samples – back-end tools See also next slide
Tools and technologies Tools and technologies defined together with the group and the customer. Most important: open API's and open-source licensing and thinking. Use of pre-existing components is strongly encouraged. REST API's are among known key goals. Django/Python is one possible technology. One important criteria in selecting the technology is the evidence of a volunteer open-source community (in Finland and internationally) using the chosen technologies. Other ideas for the choices of technology: – Qaiku API of Twitter API for integrating with existing communication tools Qaiku API – Google AppEngine or other cloud computing solutions for hosting Google AppEngine – Github for collaborative development and hosting the open source project Github – OpenID or FaceBook connect for registration – CKAN API CKAN API – W3C open gov data W3C open gov data – robot framework, slides robot frameworkslides When we succeed, we’ll start seeing developers build apps like the following…
23 contest submissions That are using open data!
Traffic deaths in Sweden visualised on a map Do you think this serves as a better base for discussion than numerical data?
Requirements for group The group should be adept at analyzing needs and gaining a vision of the target groups. The group should be interested in: – openness in general – IT thinking in an information society – creating developer and citizen communities, tools and mechanisms for dialogue A good sense of humor won’t hurt….
Ask us! Show us! Join us! Somus researchers include top Finnish social media phenomena researchers from: » VTT » University of Industrial Arts Helsinki » Helsinki University of Technology » University of Tampere » University of Jyväskylä Teemu Ropponen Research assistant Dep. Of Media Technology (T-talo, B119) (or web: Qaiku: #somus