People and Culture Informed and Ready, VET Link Executive Director, Lawrence D’Lima
RMIT University© Aligning organisational activity How we attract, retain and develop VET staff is critical for RMIT’s future success. Some recent and ongoing People and Culture initiatives include: –Managing for performance review and enhancement –Leadership and professional development –People Plan –HR processes and client service review.
RMIT University© TAFE Workplans - Managing for Performance RMIT must record evidence of qualifications, including vocational competencies and/or supervision requirements Workplanning for VET will be reviewed during 2009 to identify ways to enhance workplanning experience. TAFE Directorate is providing input into the development of key performance indicators for VET teachers and managers ALL VET position description templates are currently being reviewed to assist managers and staff.
RMIT University© People Plan RMIT’s People Plan serves three purposes: It articulates a high level workforce plan that will contribute to the strategic planning process. It will become a key reference to managers to ensure local workforce planning activity takes into account identified organisational-wide priorities. It will provide a broader contribution to workforce issues by incorporating a well articulated people/human resource strategy.
RMIT University© People Plan The People Plan will provide focus on some critical external and internal drivers affecting VET at RMIT External Drivers –Adapting to changes in the VET policy environment –Volatility and opportunity predicted in the emerging demand driven contestable market for students in VET –The University expects the Skills Reform and TAFE MBA may impact on flexible working practices and employment conditions
RMIT University© People Plan Internal Drivers –Renewal of the Strategic Plan –Change that will follow from an increase in retirement of VET staff –Priority development of leadership skills and approaches to managing staff across RMIT as a key driver of enabling change
RMIT University© Professional development The People and Culture, Organisational Development Group partners closely with the Directorate TAFE and develop a range of organisational development activities for VET staff at RMIT During 2008 the Directorate TAFE supported over 688 VET staff to participate in a diverse range of professional development activity, with one third participating in induction, Open Program or leadership development activity sponsored by People and Culture
RMIT University© Leadership development High prominence of VET representation across leadership programs: –VET leaders and managers participate in the Senior Leadership and RMIT Leaders programs –VET representation in RMIT’s Diploma of Management Where to next for leadership? Are we meeting the needs of VET Leaders?
RMIT University© P&C service structure change and review Implementation of a Centralised Recruitment Unit and Casual Pay Unit is being closely monitored for service delivery quality People and Culture Client Satisfaction Survey will be launched today (until 5 June). This survey will be sent to the Senior Leadership and RMIT Leaders groups – which includes most of you As part of our 2007 Organisation Review response the following processes will be reviewed this year: –end to end staff data management processes (data input, data management, analysis and reporting) in readiness of SAP vECC 6.0 –end to end return to work process/es for employees who are injured and on long term sick leave
RMIT University© Upcoming MBA implementation at RMIT Recent communications and information pack was circulated to all VET staff The Victorian TAFE Teaching Staff Multi-Business Agreement 2009 (MBA) is now at the stage where it can be considered for approval by TAFE teachers Voting closes on Monday 25 May The MBA (not yet ratified) will become a focus of P&C activities second half of this year
RMIT University© Informed and Ready Over the coming months there will be opportunities for VET Link and the wider the VET community to provide feedback on: –Improving the value of workplanning to support development and performance of VET staff and managers. –Providing input into the people management strategies that are critical to be developed and implemented as part of the People Plan