SSADM vs UML We examine the two Methods { SSADM And UML} In terms of their manner of handling System Elements. In each case comparisons transgress the Object vs. Non-Object oriented paradigms nevertheless the scope of the activities is similar. Renaat Verbruggen
Data/Events/Processes Logical Data Model (LDM) The class diagram 2. Events Entity Life History (ELH) The Behaviour (interaction) diagrams 3. Processes Data Flow Diagram (DFD) The activity diagram Renaat Verbruggen
Interfaces /Resources Dialogue Design Modelled in class and component diagrams. 5. Resources Requirements Catalogue (RC). Modelled by using the stereotype feature. Renaat Verbruggen
Quality / Business issues Requirements Catalogue (RC). A. In analysis explorative prototypes. B. In design experimental prototypes 7. Business issues A. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). B. Entity Life History (ELH). Activity diagrams describe and model business process. Renaat Verbruggen
Identify the problem/User involvement 8. Identify the problem or problem objectives The strategic planning defines the problem that needs to be solved. 9. User involvement A. Gathering information about system. B. Reviewing products of each stage. A. Gathering information about system in use case models, CRC and tech. dictionary. B. Review/check prototypes. Renaat Verbruggen
Organisational structure/ Employee job satisfaction 10. Organisational structure, goals and policies Strategic planning looks at organisational structure giving Project Initial Document. Activity diagram models organisational structure and integration. 11. Employee job satisfaction User may choose Business System Option (BSO) that defining impact on users and training. Allowing employees to choose suitable way to perform assigned job. Renaat Verbruggen
Different point of views / Employee values Different views of the system are documented in Requirements Catalogue. Analyst considers different views of system and resolves contradictions. 13. Employee values Not Supported. Renaat Verbruggen
System acceptability and usability A. User involvement in developing system. B. Use prototype. C. Study of system impact on staff. Involvement of users in experimental prototypes to verify usability/acceptability of system. Renaat Verbruggen
LDM BAM DFM ELH Renaat Verbruggen
Class Diagram LDM BAM Use-Cases DFM ELH Activity Interaction Diagrams Renaat Verbruggen
Class Diagram LDM Normalisation BAM Use-Cases DFM ELH Activity Interaction Diagrams Collaboration Renaat Verbruggen
Renaat Verbruggen