Gender and Anthropology interest in social relations between human sexual differences (men and women?) has been a feature of anthropology since its earliest days 19th century evolutionists and their explanations for the rise of society & culture promiscuous horde gives way to socially organized marriage and kinship, for example Mother right
Margaret Mead & 20th cent. Cultural/Social Anthropology Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies (1935) Male and Female (1949). temperamental differences between the sexes were culturally determined rather than innate biological different patterns of male and female behavior in each of the cultures she studied
The gentle mountain-dwelling Arapesh Arapesh child-rearing responsibilities evenly divided among men and women The fierce cannibalistic Mundugumor a natural hostility exists between all members of the same sex”. Mundugumor fathers and sons, and mothers and daughters were adversaries. The graceful headhunters of Tchambuli While men were preoccupied with art the women had the real power, controlling fishing and manufacturing
Divisions of Labor & Society Social differentiation (sex based differences) & social integration = society Anthropology Sex differences not only a biological fact A universal social fact At the same time -- culturally specific and historical anchored Universal & particulars/the general & the specific
development of the study of gender in anthropology Anthropology of Women early 1970's attention to the lack of women in standard ethnographies Anthropology of Gender more thorough examinations of gender in social structure challenged the basis for understanding social roles of male and female Feminist Anthropology challenged the biological basis of sex and sexuality Patriarchy; universal subordination of women and the foundations of anthropology as it had been done
Society-culture Culture – meaningful (action) Society – bundle of institutions Institution -- institutions in society work together to produce social order behavior patterns important to a society structures and mechanisms of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of a set of individuals transcending individual human lives and intentions Culture presupposes society -- something shared & supra-individual Society presupposes persons -- assemblage of individuals
Social structure Social relationships – ongoing network of social relations Relationships among and between definite entities or groups to each other enduring patterns of behaviour by participants in a social system in relation to each other institutionalised norms or cognitive frameworks that structure the actions in the social system systems of relationships, organization, forms of associations - standardized modes of behavior
Social stratification inequality in society the unequal distribution of goods and services, rights and obligations, power and prestige all attributes of positions in society, not attributes of individuals Stratified society is: when a society exhibits stratification it means that there are significant breaks in the distribution of goods services, rights obligations power prestige as a result of which are formed collectivities or groups we call strata
GENDER ROLES, STEREOTYPES, STRATIFICATION gender roles - tasks & activities that a culture assigns to sexes gender stereotypes - oversimplified strongly held ideas about the characteristics of men & women & third sex-third gender gender stratification - unequal distribution of rewards (socially valued resources, power, prestige, personal freedom) between men & women reflecting their position in the social hierarchy
Gender Stratification unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between men and women unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between any embodied orientation cultures everywhere give man, as a category opposed to women, higher social value and moral worth. Is the secondary status of women one of the true cultural universals?
How does one measure gender stratification? economic power prestige Autonomy ideology Legal rights Freedom to choose marriage partner, profession, and conception. Etc. look at the roles played by women and the value society places on those roles
Structure & Agency Agency = action Agency as praxis/practice Praxis – activity/action oriented towards a historically relevant change Practice -- Practical sense (practice) -- adjustment (anticipatory) to demands of structure
SEX, SEXUALITY, GENDER not the same thing all societies distinguish between males and females a very few societies recognize a third, sexually intermediate category Gender-sexuality – fixed and fluid identities Embodiments of history – human bodily experience Corporeal experience and social structure/organization
GENDER GENDER - the cultural construction of male & female characteristics vs. the biological nature of men & women SEX differences are biological - GENDER differences are cultural/historical behavioral & attitudinal differences from social & cultural rather than biological point of view
Sex Versus Gender Sex refers to biological differences Gender refers to the ways members of the two sexes are perceived, evaluated and expected to behave. The cultural construction of male and female characteristics. what different cultures make of sex.
SEX differences in biology Socially & culturally marked the body is "simultaneously a physical and symbolic artifact, both naturally and culturally produced, anchored in a particular historical moment" (Scheper-Hughes & Lock)
SEXUALITY (reproduction) all societies regulate sexuality lots of variation cross-culturally degree of restrictiveness not always consistent through life span adolescence vs. adulthood Varieties of “normative” sexual orientation Heterosexual, homosexual, transexual Sexuality in societies change over time
The “Four Bodies” Individual body The social body The body politic The mindful body
The Individual Body lived experience of the body-self, body, mind, matter, psyche, soul
The Social Body representational uses of the body as a natural symbol with which to think about nature, society, culture
The Body Politic regulation, surveillance, & control of bodies (individual & collective) in reproduction & sexuality, in work & leisure, in sickness & other forms of deviance
The Mindful Body the most immediate, the proximate terrain where social truths and social contradictions are played out a locus of personal and social resistance, creativity, and struggle emotions form the mediatrix between the individual, social and political body, unified through the concept of the 'mindful body.'
universals versus particulars universal subordination of women is often cited as one of the true cross-cultural universals, a pan-cultural fact Engels called it the “world historical defeat of women” even so the particulars of women’s roles, statuses, power, and value differ tremendously by culture
Friedl and Leacock argument variation among foragers male dominance is based on exchange, public exchange versus that exchanged privately by women Exchange of scarce resources in egalitarian societies, gender stratification, and universal subordination of women
DOMESTIC - PUBLIC DICHOTOMY (M. Rosaldo) opposition between domestic (reproduction) & public (production) provides the basis of a framework necessary to identify and explore the place of male & female in psycho, cultural, social and economic aspects of life degree to which the contrast between public domestic (private) sphere is drawn promotes gender stratification-rewards, prestige, power
persistence of dualisms in ideologies of gender a particular view of men and women as opposite kinds of creatures both biologically and culturally nature/culture domestic/public reproduction/production
Production, Reproduction and Social Roles roles - those minimal institutions and modes of activity that are organized immediately around one or more mothers and their children women everywhere lactate & give birth to children likely to be associated with child rearing & responsibilities of the home
We (North Americans in general) demand that the categories of male and female be discrete since gender is culturally constructed the boundaries are conceptual rather than physical Boundaries require markers to indicate gender the boundaries are dynamic, eg. now it is acceptable for men to wear earrings. Gender Boundaries Is this a man or a woman? How do you know? Voice Physique Dress Behaviour Hair style Kinetics Language use
The “Third Gender” essentialism of western ideas of sexual dimorphism - dichotomized into natural & then moral entities of male & female that are given to all persons, one or the other committed western view of sex and gender as dichotomous, ascribed, unchanging other categories - every society including our own is at some time or other faced with people who do not fit into its sex & gender categories
The “Third Gender” a significant number of people are born with genitalia that is neither clearly male or female Hermaphrodites persons who change their biological sex persons who exhibit behavior deemed appropriate for the opposite sex persons who take on other gender roles other than those indicated by their genitals
Third Genders transsexual – gender/ sex incongruent, “trapped in wrong body” but with the gender identity of their organs/sex change operation transvestite – dressing as other gender, biological sex (cross-dresser) homosexual bisexual eunuch – castrated male hermaphrodite – both sets of biological organs Virgin? Boy/Girl?
Third Gender: Western Bias multiple cultural & historical worlds in which people of divergent gender & sexual desire exist margins or borders of society may pass as normal to remain hidden in the official ideology & everyday commerce of social life when discovered - iconic matter out of place - "monsters of the cultural imagination“ third gender as sexual deviance a common theme in US evolution & religious doctrine heterosexuality the highest form, the most moral way of life, its natural
Third Gender Cross-Culturally provokes us to reexamine our own assumptions regarding our gender system emphasizes gender role alternatives as adaptations to economic and political conditions rather than as "deviant" and idiosyncratic behavior rigid dichotomozation of genders is a means of perpetuating the domination of females by males and patriarchal institutions.
RETHINKING SUBORDINATION Ardener - muted models that underlie male discourse diversity of one life or many lives gender roles, stereotypes, stratification changes over time changes with position in lifecycle status of men & women i.e. in male dominant societies decision making roles belong to men but as women reach menopause; change with marriage status, virgins, wives, widows (and men)
RETHINKING SUBORDINATION women, like men, are social actors who work in structured ways to achieve desired ends formal authority structure of a society may declare that women are impotent & irrelevant but attention to women's strategies & motives, sorts of choices, relationships established, ends achieved indicates women have good deal of power strategies appear deviant & disruptive actual components of how social life proceeds