Octopus Network Global Wireless Hotspot with World-class Partners, Services and Technology
Oulu - Proven Technology Track Record The world´s first commercial Edge high-speed network 2004 Europe´s first free urban area WLAN network 2003 The 1st contactless fare collection system for public transportation 1992 The world´s first GSM base station early 1991 Europe´s largest science park 1982 The world´s first NMT network early 1981 A great number of non-mobile innovations Octopus was created to build on this legacy and take it to the next level!
Octopus Network Octopus Network is a combination of pioneering wireless testbeds based in Oulu With world-class partners like Nokia, Intel and Alcatel-Lucent, Octopus Network is a global wireless hotspot “Octopus is the best Wireless Testbed in Europe” Dr. Bernhard Holtkamp Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
Octopus services Development and testing We provide the connection to Octopus environment and all needed documentation, information and expert advice You can concentrate on the testing! Other services: training, communications, business support Networking with the top players in the field: potential partners and customers
Octopus testing services Application testing Advanced technology, e.g. IMS Real user groups Usability testing Wide range of wireless network (3G, WLAN, WiMAX) Network traffic tracing, server logs, bug tracing Interoperability testing in an authentic operator environment Technology consultation Best practices, best partners
Octopus technology and services Constantly updated, technologically advanced mobile operator technology for testing purposes only – Octopus environment Connection through public subscriptions or Octopus-dedicated subscriptions – from anywhere in the world Public network: GPRS/3G/HSDPA /WLAN FW Octopus Octopus subscriptions (DNA, TeliaSonera) Customer’s subscriptions (TeliaSonera) Internet Octopus environment IMS, SIP, MMSC, WAPGW etc. FW Customer’s servers
Octopus’ value proposition: Shorter TTM (Time-To-Market) and better quality through An insight to real mobile technology Cost-efficiency in development and testing Diversified network of experts and development services Potential partners and customers Training
Octopus Partners Main partners Octopus references IMS Ecosystem partners
Capricode / SyncShield Octopus architecture Customers’ servers Sonera GSM/GPRS/ EDGE/UMTS DNA Octopus Test SIM’s FW WLAN / PanOulu FW FW APN X APN Y Internet Nethawk M5 Internet access Firewall Radius Nokia PoC Server Nokia IMS Server Additional servers Octopus Server farm MMS Center Nokia AGPS Server 3rd party servers WAP Gateway Delivery Server Capricode / SyncShield Terminal management Server Presence Server SMS Center Streaming Solution Octopus
IMS Ecosystem IMS Ecosystem partners (IMS = IP Multimedia Subsystem) IMS brings IP to the mobile community - IMS is the future of mobile services Operators around the globe update their circuit switched networks into All-IP Octopus now provides authentic Nokia IMS – in a real environment Testing SIP technology in an authentic setting before going commercial IMS Ecosystem partners OCTOPUS IMS: IOT (Interoperability testing) Aplikaatioserverit (IMS – Avoin ISC) / Terminaaliaplikaatiot Verifiointi NOKIA IMS 2.0:aan Hand-on tuki Logit liikenteestä Liikennelaskurit Ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus kokeilla monen operaattorin välistä liikennettä (Finnet, TeliaSonera, PanOulu jne…) Vapaa yhdyskäytävä PDA, GSM, PC WLAN / 2G / Edge / 3g / WIMAX jne… Yksi osoite, yhdet asetukset Kaikki palvelut käytössä yhden kirjautumisen jälkeen Jaa olotilasi, kaverilistat ja tiedostot Ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus toteuttaa SIP – protokollan päälle mediaa.
Technology core - Octopus Network & partners IMS ecosystem: Nokia IMS authentic test environment to bring IP to mobile. Octopus testing environment, operating in a live GPRS/3G network VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland) B3G test network and Converging Networks Laboratory V-LAB and CWC B3G test network in the University of Oulu Mobile Lab in the Oulu University of Applied Sciences panOULU, open WLAN network with >700 Access Points NGN Lab in Pori University of Applied Sciences; PSTN, GPRS, IN, VoIP
Test case – testing in Oulu Comneon is a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies AG. For more than a decade Comneon has been a leading supplier of protocol stack software for mobile communications. Comneon tested their products in Octopus EDGE-Network by travelling to Oulu for testing sessions. ”We are testing in Octopus environment because it is the only independent, authentic EDGE environment we could find.” – Ralph Dümmler, COMNEON GmbH & Co. OHG
Test case – testing in Oulu Aylus Networks Inc. is a private, venture-backed company headquartered in Westford, MA, USA with an additional R&D Center in Bangalore, India. Comneon tested their IMS based products in Octopus Network by travelling to Oulu for testing sessions.
Test case – testing globally It began with the Intel® microprocessor, the invention that sparked a revolution. Intel's history of developing groundbreaking technology continues today. Intel have been testing their video sharing services through Octopus IMS technology. They conducted the testing sessions in their Belgium lab, with TeliaSonera roaming subscriptions.
Test case – Living lab Nokia tested several of their latest phone modells, 6220, 7200 and 5140, in the Octopus testing environment. Nokia utilized Octopus’ possibility to put up real user groups by performing two of the tests with the help of more than 30 student from Oulu Polytechnic. ”The test sessions were great. We received essential information about the functions of our phones.” Seppo Salow, Director, Nokia Mobile Phones, Oulu
Test case – Living lab Alcatel-Lucent provides solutions that enable service providers, enterprises and governments worldwide, to deliver voice, data and video communication services to end-users. Alcatel-Lucent lab will be connected with Octopus Network. A-L will be able to conduct testing in their own premises with the unique technologies of Octopus Network and test user groups at hand
Test case – Living lab Fujitsu is an ICT service provider Through the Patja and Sohva operating models Fujitsu assumes the responsibility for the customer’s IT infrastructure and operational applications. allows the customer to focus on its core applications that generate business benefit. Their expertise in mobile services, information security and SAP solutions is of acknowledged top-notch quality. Fujitsu utilized Octopus environment while participating in Mobile IP pilots conducted by city of Oulu
Test case - Capricode SyncShield® is a progressive software management tool that makes it possible to deliver and maintain software centrally. The core of SyncShield® is Server that delivers information to SyncShield Clients - both wired workstations and wireless mobile terminals included - using SyncML standard. The standard and Java technology makes the system able to be installed and used in multi-platform environment. Capricode is using Octopus environment for testing and piloting SyncShield® wireless solution.
SESCA Technologies Oy SESCA Maintenance, (SE-MA) Software designing for industry and telecommunications, with own software products. Facilities in Oulu, Kokkola, Pietarsaari, Helsinki, Tampere and Vaasa More than 150 employees SESCA Maintenance, (SE-MA) SE-MA is a maintenance system with great usability and various functions SE-MA was designed and tested in cooperation with maintenance experts Latest feature: Mobility > Using SE-MA with Symbian phones (creating a new task, worklog, device hierarchy) > SE-MA was tested in Octopus environment
Sensinode Ltd. Startup specializing in ZigBee and related low-power wireless technology for ubiquitous measurement and control Spin-off of the Centre for Wireless Communications Products Development platform for ZigBee OEM radio modules Engineering services & pre-studies Main market segments Healthcare and wellbeing Automation and control Mobile consumer devices Sensinode Ltd. PL 1, FIN-90571, Oulu www.sensinode.com info@sensinode.com
Gamelion Gamelion is testing DIDOTA platform, Content Management and Distribution Over The Air, in the Octopus testing environment. DIDOTA is being used for distributing Games like Minikarting for an example. DIDOTA offers flexibility for controlling the whole content distribution chain, including database content management, front-end customization and billing platforms.
Cooperation and Octopus Octopus is a unique testing and development environment The European hub for wireless technologies Access to the European Living Lab (ENOLL) Convergence - IP will rule the world Technology (wireless) Living Lab experience Partners, customers Business intelligence Market information
Octopus’ value proposition: Shorter TTM (Time-To-Market) and better quality through An insight to real mobile technology Cost-efficiency in development and testing Diversified network of experts and development services Training and research services Potential partners and customers Get the edge with Octopus Network and its world class partners, technology and services!
Contacts: Jussi Mäkinen CTO jussi.makinen@octo.fi +358 400 995 466 Janne Ylitalo Customer Service Manager janne.ylitalo@octo.fi +358 400 999 523 www.octo.fi octopus@octo.fi