Blog Law Panel Martin Schwimmer Schwimmer Mitchell Law Firm The Trademark Blog
One Blogger’s Perspective -Structure of the law blogosphere -Blogs as marketing tools -RSS as a ‘next big thing’ -Careful going after blogs -A higher purpose for blogs
Structure of the Blogosphere Small firms, professors, law students and large firms blog. PubSub Law List LexBlog Robert Ambrogi
Aggregation and Group Blogs Volokh Conspiracy Between Lawyers Re(think) IP network
Blogging Policy Consistency w/ other electronic media Corporate confidentialitiy Respect Accountability (no anonymity) Comments are edited Terms are memorialized
Are Blogs Effective Marketing Tools Yes.
RSS Really Simple Syndication RSS Aggregators / Newsreaders Web-based RSS Readers are a preview of the ‘Daily Me’
Going After Blogs Don’t send a demand letter you don’t want posted on the Internet.
A Higher Purpose Open-source legal annotation
Are Blogs Advertising? Maybe, maybe not, it depends. Hilden: Are Lawyers' Blogs Protected by the First Amendment? Why State Bar Regulation of Law Blogs As "Advertising" Would Be Elitist and Reductive- FindLaw
The Trademark Blog Schwimmer Mitchell Law Firm