COMP171 Data Structures and Algorithms Spring 2009
Slide 2 Lectures * Instructor: Long QUAN * Lectures: n L2: Wed & Friday 3h-4h20pm n L3: Mon & Wed 9h-10h20 * Web site: n Lecture notes and tutorial material n Assignments, test cases and solutions n Download course material before class * Tutorials: n 2A (Mondays, 1500 – 1650, Room 2463, Victor Cheung) n 2B (Wednesdays, 1500 – 1650, Room 2463, Zhang Kai) n 2C (Fridays, 1500 – 1650, Room 2463, George Lo)
Slide 3 Textbook * Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss - Latest version = 3 rd Edition - Source codes are available online - Available at library for 2-hour loan
Slide 4 Grading Scheme * Grading is based on n Written Assignments (2*5%=10%) n Programming Assignments (3*10%=30%) n Midterm Examination (25%) n Final Examination (35%)
Slide 5 Plagiarism Policy * 1 st Time: both get 0 * 2 nd Time: need to terminate * Midterm or Final: an automatic FAIL You are encouraged to collaborate in study groups. But, you cannot copy or slightly change other students’ solutions or codes
Slide 6 Course Overview * A fundamental computer science course - Essential for programming - Essential for advanced courses, e.g. 271 * A challenging course, which needs - Programming - Mathematical and logic thinking
Slide 7 Course Prerequisite * COMP103 or COMP104 n Need to know C and C++ n Visual Studio or other PC programming environment n Good programming skills n Translate pseudo-codes into codes n Speedy review in the 1 st week * COMP151 n Not essential n Highly recommended to be taken concurrently * Basic mathematical skills n Solving recursive equations, manipulation of symbols, etc. * Computer architecture n Pointers, storage, memory access, etc.
Slide 8 8 Course Outline * C++ review * Lists, stacks, and queues * Algorithmic asymptotic analysis n Big-Oh, big-Theta, and big-Gamma * Sorting n Insertion, radix, mergesort, quicksort, heapsort, etc. n Lowest bound on sorting * Search trees n Binary search tree n AVL tree n B+ tree * Graphs n Breadth-first search n Depth-first search * Hashing
Slide 9 Overall Goal of the Course * From programmer to architect * Learn to solve problems * Algorithms and Programming go hand in hand * Learn to analyze your solutions
Slide 10 Lecture Format * Lectures: n Slides are available before class n It is important to attend the lectures (because not all material and concepts are covered in slides) n If you miss any lectures, learn from your friends * Tutorials n Supplement the lectures n Some important exercises n Welcome to attend other tutorials if you miss the your signed session * Programming and homework assignments n More rigorous problems to consolidate your knowledge
Slide 11 Assignments * Written assignments n Due by time specified n Contact TAs directly for re-grades n Re-grade requests will only be entertained within 1 week after the homework are handed back n Late policy: 20% reduction, allows only one day late. * Programming assignments n Due by time specified n Run on PC n Submit it using CASS n Re-grade policy will be announced n Late policy : 20% reduction, allows only one day late.
Slide 12 Midterm and Final Examinations * Midterm: Thur, April, 12 th 2007, 7-9:30pm (LTA, LTB) * Final: TBA * Closed-book, closed-notes * No make-ups will be given n Unless under very unusual circumstances, with letters of proof n Instructor informed beforehand