Iowa’s Workforce Reality Leisa Fox
I’ll Discuss The Stakeholders The Resources The Employees The Issues The Mysteries The Solutions The Reward
Stakeholders a person or group with a direct interest, involvement, or investment in something, e.g. the employees, stockholders, and customers of a business concern
Iowa’s Workforce Stakeholders Business and Industry Educators All State Entities Students Economic Developers Your Average Joe
Workforce Initiatives Nursing Workforce Initiative National Mature Workforce Initiative President’s High Growth Training Initiative Career Pathways Skills Advantage Dream !t Do !t Dubuque Area Labor Management Council Community Based Job Training Initiative Project Lead the Way Midwest Education to Workforce Policy Initiative Southeast Iowa Manufacturers Consortium Southwest Iowa Manufacturers Consortium
Workforce Resources K – 12 Community Colleges Employment Placement Agencies 4 Year Colleges State Programs (IWD, IDED) Business and Industry (Vermeer, Deere, Rockwell, etc.)
Employable Sectors 16 – 22 year olds Young Adults Underemployed Ex-Offenders Mature Adults Interns Displaced employees
Iowa’s Employment Issues Unskilled Outdated Skills Drugs 4 year or bust mentality Generational Communication Lack of Career Awareness
Where are Skills Lacking? 50% of entering college students take at least one remedial course Mathematics is the skill most needed AND most lacking Reading for Information is shockingly low Employers care less about technical skills. They want foundational skills.
Where are Skills Lacking? Many employees’ skills are outdated Employers need to make investments in their own employees’ growth and development to keep skills current Recruitment Policies in many companies are outdated and ineffective
Iowa’s Top Employment Issue Workforce Shortage Or Skills Gap?
Iowa’s Top Employment Issue We have no statewide strategy.
Strategy a carefully devised plan of action to achieve a goal, or the art of developing or carrying out such a plan
Iowa’s Workforce Mystery Exactly what jobs are currently most needed? Exactly what is the current available workforce? Exactly what will our jobs/skills needs be in 5 years? Exactly what will our available workforce look like in 5 years?
Tools Available to Solve the Mystery IWD’s workforce study Skills assessments (ACT, Kuder) IWD job board Communication
Using Available Tools Clearly Identify Jobs and Skills Needs (Current and Future) Accurately Inventory Current Skills Partner with Educators to Fill the Gaps Maintain Constant Skills/Jobs Inventory to Stay Ahead of the Problem
Iowa’s Reward Bottom line savings to employers in identifying and capturing the right employee for the right job Providing willing and able individuals with jobs they are suited for Educators that are providing a quality product Better paid, happier, more productive employees
Iowa’s Workforce Goal To Connect appropriately skilled employees with employers who need them, creating a more productive and vibrant economy
Thank you Leisa Fox Vice President of Membership Iowa Association of Business & Industry 904 Walnut, Ste. 100 Des Moines, IA