Presenter : Mohit Pabby Product Trainer Elsevier & Web 2.0
Presentation Agenda Elsevier Overview Web 2.0 tools on ScienceDirect & Scopus.
Elsevier – The Global Leader in Science Information Sales in 180+ countries 7,000+ employees Serving 10 million+ scientists, students, and information professionals >2500 journals, >19,000 books, databases, >10 million articles on SD
Share of Journal Articles Published (2007) Our Scientific Disciplines (2007) Life sciences (incl Agri, Biol) Materials Science & Engineering Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Physics Maths & Computer Science Social Sciences Earth Sciences Environmental Sciences ACS Taylor & Francis Wolters Kluwer AIP IEEE APS Others 26% Position in Article Share Elsevier Springer Wiley-Blackwell
Elsevier’s Four Strategic Priorities Customer centric and cost efficient organisational structure and culture 4. Organisational Effectiveness & Efficiency Reach customer globally in emerging markets and under-penetrated segments 3. Widening Distribution Continued expansion and usage of content; build on leading assets to get deeper into customer workflows 2. Value to Academics Provide world leading content and best home for scientific authors 1. World Class Content
What is Web 2.0……?
Web 2.0…..definition A platform enabling the utilization of distributed services and can also be characterized as a technology, service, or entity that leverages, contributes, or describes the transformation of the web into a platform for services.
Features of Web Links: guides to important pieces of information. 2. Authoring: the ability to create constantly updating content over a platform. 3. Tags: categorization of content by creating tags that are simple and avoid rigid, pre-made categories. 4. Signals: the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology to notify users with any changes of the content.
Web 2.0 Tools On ScienceDirect & Scopus RSS Feeds HTML Feeds 2 Collab.
Feeds…….RSS & HTML A feed is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content XML- Extensible markup language- RSS- Real simple syndication. HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language.
Integration of RSS & HTML Feeds on ScienceDirect Article Feed on ScienceDirect
Citation Feed on ScienceDirect
Search, Volume/ Issue Feeds on ScienceDirect
2Collab 2 Collab is an online collaboration tool for researchers that enables them to share, connect and discuss relevant research with there peers.
Integration of RSS & HTML Feeds on Scopus Search Alert on Scopus
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