Life made easy Internet ideas for the classroom Brought to you by: Csíky Anna & Tibor Prievara Karinthy Frigyes Dual Language School
What do teachers of English believe about using computers and the Internet? Frightening Challenging Difficult Problems Needs technical expertise
On the plus side Great… maybe later Useful Exciting YET: not knowing too much about it 250 people, 10 applications: 2500 answers 100 correct answers 2400 incorrect answers
Paying attention to your students how do your students learn? what do they like doing in their free time? is it possible to link the two? videó
TXT MSGS – text message converter try to decode the text messages type them in proper English great way to check spelling pronunciation practice
Vozme – text-to-speech converter enter any text in English and listen to it male and female voice you can save it as an mp3 Csak elmesélni, nem megnyitni
Oddcast – a more lifelike TTS choose an avatar watch the person’s face as they say what you typed listen to a variety of accents Ezt kipróbálni, ők mondják meg, mit írjak be, és ki mondja
A.L.I.C.E. the intelligent chatbot a safe chat partner who talks as long as you want it takes a long time to find out you’re talking to a robot authentic everyday spoken English How old are you? Do you like your job? What did you do yesterday?
Slow down week use it as a discussion starter about pace of life NEM megnyitni előre, legyen hang use it as a discussion starter about pace of life ask students to reflect on their own daily routine don’t forget about the educational benefits on students’ life
ToonDoo – Online comic creator a great way to practice, recycle or even test words, grammar, or practically anything motivating, engaging, and fun a new way of expression for those who do not have the talent to draw
Online calorie calculator a fun way of expanding or revising food vocabulary generates lively discussions raises students’ awareness about how healthy their diet is
Get out of the room simulates the computer games students love so much stimulates a lot of language use students can be asked to write up their solution, i.e. how they got out
Newsmap gives you the news that make the headlines shows how important or popular a certain item is allows you to search for certain types of news, e.g. entertainment
On cover page create a magazine cover with your own photo also includes a customized news caption wide selection of different magazines
Newspaper clipping generator looks exactly like a real news article allows you to choose the date makes your students proud of what they have written
Protagonize – Collaborative story writing writers encouraged to start a story and see how others develop it a chance to add new „branches” to existing stories a page you can always come back to
SortFix – a friendly search engine helps you and students find what you / they really need finds power words in results and lets you choose what’s relevant and what’s not more efficient, takes less time, produces better results
Pagebull – the visual search engine shows you actual screenshots of search results helps you avoid harmful content no sponsored results
Mahalo – human-powered search gives you organized and spam-free search results saves you time: enjoy instead of search takes you to links other search engines won’t find
Delicious –social bookmarking a collection of favourites: yours and everyone else’s remembers what you’ve found once shows you what you might never have found
iGoogle – my Google your personalized webpage – for free the news, gadgets, links you always need your own design
Quizlet – the end of flashcards the second best way to learn words after a brain injection interactive teaching and testing, great for self-study keeps track of your answers and goes back to problems
NING – your own social network keep in touch with your students outside class upload homework, songs, grades, events etc. be amazed by how actively they use forums and discussions
Bubbleply – Speech bubbles add speech bubbles to any video or insert images and add subtitles then post it anywhere you wish – e.g. ning
NetAngol – hundreds of lesson (plan)s 4000 pages of EFL material interactive, ready-to-use materials from A1 to C2 classes multimedia, spoken English video archives, fun and games Nettanár: free database of ideas
E-twinning – A day in the life of… Argentina, Brazil, Kuwait, Romania, USA, Hungary Shared websites Engaging topics, real interaction A day in the life of Budapest – a project
Net Smartz Kids – Internet safety games and activities to teach students about Internet safety engaging and fun, but also educational helps your students be safe outside class
Teachers’ TV thousands of education videos on TV and online the digital channel for everyone who works in schools daily education news summary regular specialist hour
The End Thank you for your attention! Frightening? Needs technical expertise? Useful? Exciting? Later? Thank you for your attention! E-mail: