EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool1 The CERN-EP Electronics Pool: Current Status Jean-Pierre Vanuxem EP-ESS
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool2 Historical summary > 1987: The Pool “recuperates” lots of equipment. The NP --> EP(!) division grants the experiments “Pool budgets” (3-4 MCHF/yr) 1987: Creation of EPAC (the 1st El. Pool Advisory Committee) and 1st rental scheme (24%/yr, but creation of “free allocations”) 1990: Rental rate lowered to 18%/yr but extended to all equipment withdrawn from Pool income increases 1992: Rental rate lowered to 12%/yr applied to all Pool equipment, and to 4%/yr for “Privileged” experiments under benefit of a CEC 1995: No new CEC is granted. Privileged experiments keep their rights till they terminate. Rental rate based on lifetime of equipment (average: 6%/yr in 1995 10%/yr in 2001) 2000: ACES (Advisory Committee for El. Support) defines the Electronics Pool Policy for the next 5 years 2001: EAB (Electronics Advisory Board) is created
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool3 Traditional mandate of Electronics Pool Make available to experiments/groups commonly used “standard” equipment following a rental scheme approved by CERN Organize its maintenance (verification + repair) with outside firms --> maintenance contracts + provide spares Ensure the necessary logistics: deliver equipment to experiments, handle it locally for verification tests, ship it to firms for repair Purchase new equipment for subsequent rental according to a Pool product policy approved by CERN management Maintain a database for equipment tracking, technical/administrative information for the users, invoicing, inventories, statistics, … Administer a budget made of rental fee collection and used for the payment of the maintenance of existing equipment, the purchase of new one and some industrial support to run the service Give technical and administrative assistance to the users
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool4 The Electronics Pool to-day: some (after-LEP) numbers Equipment (non-obs): items total (9200 rented) Value: 49.2 MCH total (25.2 MCHF rented) Moves/yr: ~3000 items IN, ~3000 OUT Repairs: 350 items/yr, 95% farmed out: ~200 kCHF Verifications: ~2500 /yr, 40% farmed out: ~100 kCHF User Codes: ~350 accounts (expts, R&D groups, teams) Note: the equipment belonging to the “aging” category is not included here
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool5 Pool equipment distribution by standards Standard #items value (MCH) %value NIM CAMAC FASTBUS VME High Voltage Lab Instruments TOTAL MCHF 100%
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool6 Pool equipment currently rented by standards Standard rented rented /tot. rented use of standard (MCHF) (%) (%) NIM CAMAC FASTBUS VME High Volt Lab Instr TOTAL 25.2 MCHF 100% 51%
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool7 Current users of the Pool Sector Rented Value (MCHF) % of Total Rented LHC HAL DIV ION LEP OTHER Totals: 25.2 MCHF 100% Note: External Teams contribute to the total Pool rental income at the level of ~45%
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool8 Manufacturers of Pool equipment Manufacturer # of items % of total # Value (MCHF) % of total Value LeCroy CAEN WES CES WIENER CERN*EP Other TOTAL % 49.2 MCHF 100% Note: LeCroy have stopped their production of modular electronics equipment for HEP as from June 2001 !
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool9 Evolution of the rented value of Pool equipment by sector
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool10 Evolution of the total rented value of Pool equipment
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool12 Movements of Electronics Pool equipment
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool13 New boundary conditions Staff reduction: has forced the Pool to seek industrial support: for the maintenance of its equipment: the maintenance, which was in the past ensured by ESS, is now already farmed out at the level of 95% for the repair and 40% for the verification. for the replacement of its administrative + database support personnel: the EP section currently consists of 2 S.M. + 2 I.S. Budget constraints: No investment money from EP division since ‘96. Necessity of adapting Pool equipment to the needs of the LHC era: the Pool requires continuous renewal of its equipment in the next 5 years to come A high degree of Pool self-financing has been reached
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool14 Electronics Pool funding evolution towards self-financing New equipment EP EP + Pool Pool Repair EP Pool Ind. contract manpower 0 EP EP Pool Infrastructure + EP tech. support Verification EP Pool 1995 EP + Pool Pool EP + Pool
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool15 Typical annual budget Rental fee income ~10%/yr): MCHF Other income (resale, compensation): MCHF Repairs (~95% farmed out): MCHF Verifications tests (~40% farmed out): MCHF Industrial Support: MCHF New Investments: MCHF Balance: 0
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool16 Pool product policy for new investments CATEGORYNew Investments NIM: strict minimum CAMAC: None FASTBUS: None VME:C rates 6U/9U in VME64x, FE modules, processors HV:N ew systems (CAEN 1527, UVC VISyN 1450, …) Lab Instruments: Standard (power supplies, generators, meters, …) + high-performance (GHz scopes, analysers,...)
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool17 New Electronics Pool service Recommended by ACES in 2000 General-purpose electronics is purchased for CERN users on their own budgets. Maintenance is organized by Pool. 5%/year maintenance charge (incl. provision for spares) Maintenance offered to visiting teams at same conditions The Pool is starting the new service with 2 recently developed product families planned for LHC experiments: the TTC (Timing, Trigger and Control) system the ELMB (Embedded Local Monitor Board)
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool18 The Pool database Former DB was: > 10 years old based on ORACLE Forms 4.5 limited, isolated 100% application-oriented ( user-friendly, but expensive to maintain) had become “spaghetti shaped” New DB is: operational since March 2000 based on Baan 4, a standard commercial product currently in use by CERN Stores and supported by AS/DB integrated with the CERN environment (Foundation, Oriac, BHT) some customization is however required for the Pool
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool19 More automation in the Pool procedures Automatic Invoicing Procedure (operational since March 2000) fully automated (using the same system as the CERN Stores) is made more frequently (e.g. every month), thus offering the users a closer monitoring of their Pool rental expenses with full details available in BHT Automatic User Identification (not operational yet) magnetic card reader to get User information (including possibly special Pool authorizations) from Foundation via the standard CERN access card Automatic Equipment Identification (not operational yet) bar-code reader to identify the equipment: this should make inventories faster and more reliable
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool20 Electronics Pool information on the web Electronics Pool Home Page: (general information on El. Pool services, rules of access, annual reports, support classes, …) Equipment Search: ( description, availability, techn. doc,...) click on “Keyword Search” from El. Pool home page User Account Information: (list of Pool equipment, rental costs, …) click on “Account Status” from El. Pool home page ESS Group Home page: (information on ESS group)
EAB2, 11/10/2001CERN EP-Electronics Pool21 Conclusions The El. Pool must face new challenges to get ready for LHC in 2006 A high level of self-financing has already been reached Farming out of the maintenance should be pursued The rental inventory should be renewed A new service shall be put in place for the purchase and maintenance of new products More automation should be brought to the Pool procedures to reduce costs (invoicing, user and equipment identification, sales, …) To achieve these goals, the Pool needs continuous support from its Users + EP management