Multimedia Session 1 – News media, education and blogging
Blogging statistics Stephen Ryan – blog inventor Stephen Ryan – blog inventor Stephen Ryan – blog inventor Stephen Ryan – blog inventor Caslon analytics (Sept 2007) Caslon analytics (Sept 2007) Caslon analytics Caslon analytics Technorati Technorati Technorati Robin Good (2007) Robin Good (2007) Robin Good Robin Good State of the Blogosphere, Technorati, 2009 State of the Blogosphere, Technorati, 2009 State of the Blogosphere State of the Blogosphere
Multimedia Session Dates Session Dates Presentations – sign up Presentations – sign up Ning site - register Ning site - register Understanding ‘New Media’ Understanding ‘New Media’ Readings Readings Media and literacy in the digital age Media and literacy in the digital age Blogs and blogging Blogs and blogging
What are blogs? What are blogs? Blogs, or web logs, are online spaces in which people can publish their thoughts, opinions or even provide breaking news. Blogs, or web logs, are online spaces in which people can publish their thoughts, opinions or even provide breaking news. The rise of blogs has spawned a new desire for immediate news and information, with over six million Americans now using RSS aggregators. The rise of blogs has spawned a new desire for immediate news and information, with over six million Americans now using RSS aggregators. RSS aggregators are downloaded to PCs and are programmed to subscribe to feeds from blogs, news sites and other websites. RSS aggregators are downloaded to PCs and are programmed to subscribe to feeds from blogs, news sites and other websites. The aggregators automatically compile the latest information published online from the blogs or news sites. The aggregators automatically compile the latest information published online from the blogs or news sites.
Who are the bloggers? BBC News site, 4/1/05 Blog creators were likely to be young, well- educated, net-savvy males with good incomes and college educations, the survey found. Blog creators were likely to be young, well- educated, net-savvy males with good incomes and college educations, the survey found. This was also true of the average blog reader, although the survey found there was a greater than average growth in blog readership among women and those in minorities. This was also true of the average blog reader, although the survey found there was a greater than average growth in blog readership among women and those in minorities. The survey was conducted during November 2005 and involved telephone surveys of 1,324 internet users. The survey was conducted during November 2005 and involved telephone surveys of 1,324 internet users.
Blogging Stats (2004) Blog readership has shot up by 58% in 2004 Blog readership has shot up by 58% in 2004 Eight million have created a blog Eight million have created a blog 27% of online Americans have read a blog 27% of online Americans have read a blog 5% use RSS aggregators to get news and other information 5% use RSS aggregators to get news and other information 12% of online Americans have posted comments on blogs 12% of online Americans have posted comments on blogs Only 38% of online Americans have heard about blogs Only 38% of online Americans have heard about blogs
Blogging stats (2006) The blogosphere continues to double in size every 6 months, according to Technorati. Technorati now tracks 50M blogs and 1.6M posts each day. The blogosphere continues to double in size every 6 months, according to Technorati. Technorati now tracks 50M blogs and 1.6M posts each day. Technorati Other interesting statistics Other interesting statistics 175,000 new blogs created every day, currently around 50M blogs 175,000 new blogs created every day, currently around 50M blogs 1.6M new legitimate posts every day, meaning spam is excluded. 1.6M new legitimate posts every day, meaning spam is excluded. 70% of all pings to Technorati are from known spam blogs and are filtered out of the Technorati index 70% of all pings to Technorati are from known spam blogs and are filtered out of the Technorati index Language of blogs - 39% English, 31% Japanese, 12% Chinese, everything else 2% or less Language of blogs - 39% English, 31% Japanese, 12% Chinese, everything else 2% or less Source: Don Dodge Source: Don DodgeDon DodgeDon Dodge
Uses of blogs As educators, we need to ask: As educators, we need to ask: –How useful is this tool to me? –How can I best use it as a learning (possibly teaching) tool? Most powerful use of a blog – the PROCESS of blogging/writing for an online audience. For Buckingham, understanding media by creating it. Most powerful use of a blog – the PROCESS of blogging/writing for an online audience. For Buckingham, understanding media by creating it. Ideas for blogging at school Ideas for blogging at school –Project work report; class diary; photoblog; travel blog; communication blog; travel blog communication blogtravel blog communication blog Ideas for adult blogging Ideas for adult blogging –Socio-political comment; anonymous diary (used by journalists, soldiers, business people, students, policemen, politicians…) journalists