ATEP Technology Project Our Adventures So Far…
Purpose To train ATEP teachers in a technology rich environment. To provide the necessary tools for this level of integration. To provide the necessary training and PD for this level of integration. To conduct meaningful research related to our experiences.
A Quick Snapshot of Our Students… In some ways, the demographics of this group are similar to the Faculty overall… –14 females, 5 males (19 total) –17 seek to teach within Alberta when they’re done. –Almost all express a desire to “make a difference” or having a “lifelong passion for teaching” as the reason they are in the program.
A Quick Snapshot of Our Students… In other ways they are NOT… –Average age is 34.8 –13 of them transferred into the program from other post-secondary institutions.
Methods Combination of work with instructors and students. Students receive PD on the use of their computers, software, etc… Instructors have the option to integrate one or more projects or activities in their course.
Instructor Variations Some opt to teach the activity themselves with no support. Some opt to teach the activity themselves with training from myself. Some opt to teach the activity with my support in the classroom. Some will opt to have me come in and do the activity with students.
Some Research Goals To describe how the students’ understanding of the concept of “technology integration” evolves over time. To identify best practices in our model. To identify specific cultural issues with technology and Aboriginal pre-service teachers.
Organic Project As challenges arise, new research ideas emerge. E.g./ How do students feel about courses where the instructor taught the activity vs. ones where I did?
The Technology Projects Focus on integrated project-based learning. Focus on cross-curricular learning. Focus on “time tested” activities (though not necessary).
Project Development Projects were identified from online sources: they are what teachers are doing out there right now. Projects are listed “without prejudice”. Projects are mapped at the subject area level with curriculum levels integrated (will be online soon). mples/maps/ICT%20Outcomes.mmaphttp:// mples/maps/ICT%20Outcomes.mmap
From Map to Web Site A “living site” with project ideas. Goal to serve the entire faculty, not just the ATEP program. Will eventually incorporate student exemplars (when ethics clears).
Project Examples Class Blogs / Podcasts /index.html ow/ /index.html ow/ Class Wikis
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Project Examples Voicethread (for education)
Project Examples Mapwing ur.php?t=11GkktO2672t ur.php?t=llcTuzcJccFre ur.php?t=11GkktO2672t ur.php?t=llcTuzcJccFre Movie Making
Early Challenges Multi-institutional technical support Cultural differences (e.g./ student registrations and laptops) Acquisition of technology Cross-curricular projects and change Instructor time Distance Student frustration Gender issues?
Early Successes Flexible and enthusiastic students and instructors. Wide range of student ages and abilities. Early interactions have shown a sense of “fearlessness”. Students have been very willing to work with each other when they need help.
Thank you!!!