1 i206: Distributed Computing Applications & Infrastructure
2 Welcome to i206! The Teaching Team: –Marti Hearst –Alex Chung –Monica Rosenberg To reach all three of us: Let’s try using Piazza:
3 Course Objectives Learn key computer science concepts. –CS’s “greatest hits” –Jargon changes, first principles don’t –Be able to communicate with engineers. –Peer inside the “black box”. Catch up on missing math background. Prepare you for other technical courses.
206 Concept Map Bits & Bytes Binary Numbers Number Systems Gates Boolean Logic Circuits CPU Machine Instructions Assembly Instructions Program Algorithms Application Memory Data compression Compiler/ Interpreter Operating System Data Structures Analysis I/O Memory hierarchy Design Methodologies/ Tools Process Data Representation Data storage Principles Network Distributed Systems Security Cryptography Standards & Protocols Inter-process Communication Formal models
5 Typical CS Topics Not Covered in 206 Database, data management, info retrieval, … Artificial intelligence: data mining, NLP, robotics, computer vision, … Computer graphics HCI Languages and Compilers Theory
6 i206 Course History One of the 3 original MIMS core courses –202, 204 (now 203 and 205), 206 Assumed deep knowledge of CS –Focused on security and networking –Programming in java In 2001, i255 (Foundations of Software Design) introduced to help less technical students –Did not cover networking, security In 2005, i255 merged with i206 –This explains why the course title doesn’t really fit –The slides and assignments will be a blend of mine from i255 and John Chuang’s from i206.
7 Learning Opportunities Lectures –Do readings in advance –Discussion encouraged in lecture Readings –Brookshear, Computer Science: An Overview, 10 th Edition –Wikipedia and other readings as needed Labs –Lead by the TAs –Practice concepts from lecture or programming exercises –Get your questions answered Homework –Deepen your understanding of the ideas covered in class.
8 Learning Opportunities We will all learn from one another! There are no ‘stupid questions’ in this course Let’s try the Piazza tool for asking and answering questions online. –
9 Administrivia Grading Criteria –Assignments 60% (~7 assignments) Must be turned in on time (or points reduced) –Tests 30% (three in-class tests) –Class participation 10% Refer to website for important policies: –Academic integrity –Grading policy (including early/late submissions) –Instructors’ availability –Classroom technology etiquette
10 Life after 206 MIMS Technology Requirement Computer architecture Software: –Software design –Algorithms –Data structures Communications: –Distributed systems –Networking –Security 206 (4 units) 206 (4 units) 2 nd Course 2 nd Course electives 290TA. Information Organization Lab 219. Privacy, Security, and Cryptography 240. Principles of Information Retrieval 242. XML Foundations 250. Computer-Based Communications Systems and Networks 256. Applied Natural Language Processing 257. Database Management 290. Web Architecture 290. Mixing and Remixing Information 290. Social Computing 290A. XML and Databases Selected EECS courses Additional courses (of at least 2 units), on approval by the faculty See Masters Student Manual for updates
11 Source: John Sargent, US Department of Commerce Life after MIMS
12 CS Career Advice Join the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) and one or more SIGs (e.g., SIGCHI, SIGCOMM, SIGecom) Read the monthly CACM Attend ACM conferences
13 An i206 Tradition –xkcd.com/rss.xml
14 Upcoming Reading Assignments For hyperlinked readings, see course website – For Lab tomorrow: –Python exercise For Thursday: –Brookshear 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 1.4, 1.5, 1.8, 1.9 For next week: –Brookshear 1.1, 2.1 – 2.4
15 Next time … How Do Computers Work?
16 Let’s get to know one another…