FXC and Graphicasts Sarah Johnson Goodland WFO
What is a Graphicast? Graphicast vs. NDFD Graphicast is a weather overview
Why a Graphicast? Can give the whole weather “story” Can be more customer friendly than traditional forecasts
Which would our customers prefer?
CR Future Plans Every CR WFO will create Graphicasts using FX Collaborate GHWO (Days 1-7) Graphical Now (0-6 hr) Implementation (tentatively) Jan. 1, 2007
FX Collaborate D2D with drawing capability Can display most AWIPS graphics Common weather symbols can be drawn over graphics and backgrounds
Weather Symbols Lines Lines and arrows Fronts Shapes Polygon, rectangle, circle, freehand, cloud Contours Precip Aviation Turbulence, Icing, Obstructions to visibility Cloud (sky cover) Combo Other Low, High, marker, dust, tropical storms/ Hurricane, wind barb, import image Text
Why FXC? Easy to learn Graphicasts quickly produced Able to customize!!
GFE GHWO Only includes the type of hazards
FXC GHWO Includes more detail, reasons for the severe weather
Examples of Graphicasts Graphical NOW Graphicast/GHWO Graphical RWS Long Term Graphicast
Graphical NOW 0-6 hr, but if radar is included, should be updated every hour
Graphicast/GHWO Days 1-7 (focused on days of most concern) Updated at least once per day
Graphical RWS 1-2 day Usually updated every day
Long Term Graphicast Days 2-7 shows entire period
Other uses of FXC Briefings (FXC has a slide show/briefing tool) Internal External (EMs, media, etc.) Post-storm or Post-event summaries Graphics for papers Web briefing graphics Other web graphics
FXC Briefing Tool