Power Point Slides Jenn Matte’s project
Grade 2 PE A Year Plan Presented by Jenn Matte Content written by Jenn Matte, Angela Chorney and Sam McKay 6 Unit Plans, Full year plan, assessment ideas and rubrics This presentation is a modified power point presentation
Unit 1: Locomotor Games Created by Sam McKay Majority of students in class are at the initial phase of most locomotor movements. Looking to progress them towards elementary phase of Running and Skipping. Some students may reach the elementary phases of hopping, sliding and galloping Others will learn the initial stage of these three locomotor movements Leaping and jumping movements will be covered in Track and Field during the spring.
Unit 2: Soccer Skills Games Created by Jenn Matte Students have previously completed a unit on locomotor games without manipulatives Skills developed previously include running, hopping, galloping, skipping, and sliding. Students will learn to: dribble and keep control of their own ball, trap a ball with the sole of their foot, pass to a partner, and shoot at a large target.
Unit 3:Creative Dance Created by Angela Chorney Children will be at various levels of exposure to music and dancing at the outset of this unit. Some will have taken lessons in ballet, jazz, hip hop or other forms of dance. Others will have very little experience moving to a beat and expressing themselves through music. Children will experience various forms of dance in a fun environment. Students will show improvement in both their fluidity of movement in a rhythmic fashion and their familiarity with dancing.